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Owner's Operation & Safety Manual
Models 901, 901N, 901T, 9011.5,
901N1.5, 901T1.5, 901MK300,
To ensure safe and e cient operation, it is essential to read
each of these warnings and precautions, and to follow all
instructions listed in this manual.
1. Improper use or installation of this product can
cause serious bodily injury or death.
2. DO NOT smoke near meter or use meter near an open
ame when dispensing ammable uids. Fire could
Do not exceed 50 PSI / 3.5 BARS line pressure.
5. This product should not be used for uid transfer into
6. This product is not suited for use with uids for human
consumption, including potable water.
Meters are furnished for horizontal piping; left to right ow.
Flow ports can be changed to any of four positions for
horizontal or vertical piping and for either direction of ow.
1. Determine direction for uid to ow.
2. Install meter observing directional arrow on casting.
3. Remove four screws (item 28).
4. Rotate meter cover assembly (item 37) to desired
5. Replace four screws (item 28).
The Fill-Rite Series 900 meters can be calibrated for either
U.S. gallons or liters. Calibration is required upon
installation, after disassembly, after signi cant wear or
when metering a di erent viscosity uid. Depending on the
model, Series 900 meters are factory calibrated in either
U.S. gallons or liters using mineral spirit. Calibration must
be done between 6 and 40 GPM (23 and 151 LPM).
Meter calibration can be easily changed by following the
calibration procedure. A container of KNOWN volume will
be needed for the calibration procedure. For the 900 Series
meter, a ve gallon container or larger should be used.
Procedure for Calibration:
For the most accurate calibration, install the meter in the
application. Fill a container to a known volume with the
liquid to be measured.
2. If meter amount is incorrect, turn calibration screw (item
31) counterclockwise for less liquid, or clockwise for
more liquid.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until calibration is acceptable.
For accurate measurement and to prevent meter damage,
meter and piping must always be lled with liquid and free of
air. Meter should be calibrated per instructions in this manual
prior to its use.
1. Stop ow of liquid.
2. Reset register to "0".
3. Meter is ready for use. Start ow of liquid. Do not exceed
50 PSI of line pressure.
Meter should operate maintenance free. However, certain
liquids can dry out while in the meter housing, causing the
meter to stop. If this happens, meter should be thoroughly
cleaned (see instructions below).
Cleaning Instructions:
Run a ushing uid through meter. For a more thorough
cleaning, disassemble meter per "ASSEMBLY /
DISASSEMBLY" section, "Meter Chamber Assembly"
subsection. Rinse all meter components. Recalibrate meter
following calibration instructions above.
If meter is to be stored for a period of time, clean thoroughly.
This will help protect meter from damage.
Counter is reading high or low:
Check calibration and recalibrate if necessary. Check for air
in product and repair air leaks. Measuring chamber or gears
could be sticking. Correct by cleaning or replacing internal
metering components.
Shaft seal leakage:
Possible causes are dirty or damaged seals. Correct by
cleaning o-ring and seat area or replacing seal.
Gasket leakage:
Correct loose gasket by tightening joints. Clean dirty gaskets
and seat area. Replace damaged gaskets. If caused by high
pressure, install pressure relief valve to allow high pressure to
bleed back to tank.
Low ow capacity:
Clean clogged meter chamber; clean or replace screens and
lters in piping.
Meter body cracks:
Install pressure relief valve to allow high pressure to bleed
back to tank.
Nutating disc breaks:
Avoid ow surge by putting shut-o valve on outlet of meter;
place meter as close as possible to pump; keep piping full of



Resumen de contenidos para FILL-RITE 900 Serie

  • Página 1 Correct loose gasket by tightening joints. Clean dirty gaskets and seat area. Replace damaged gaskets. If caused by high The Fill-Rite Series 900 meters can be calibrated for either pressure, install pressure relief valve to allow high pressure to U.S. gallons or liters. Calibration is required upon bleed back to tank.
  • Página 2 FLUID COMPATIBILITY PRIOR TO SERVICE, ADHERE TO FOLLOWING The 900 is compatible with the following uids: INSTRUCTIONS: •Diesel Fuel, Gasoline, Kerosene, Mineral Spirits, Meters must be triple-rinsed and accompanied by a Heptane, and Hexane note indicating the chemicals which have been The 900 is NOT compatible with the following uids: pumped through the unit.
  • Página 3 900 SERIES METER PARTS LIST ITM. PART ITM. PART DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ..800F3845 Drive Gear - U.S. Gallon 900F8102 Meter Housing-Nickel Plated Opt. 800F4191 O-Ring (5-106) Fluorocarbon 900F8101 Meter Housing-Te on® Coated Opt.
  • Página 4: Instalacion

    Procedimiento para efectuar el ajuste. 1. Llenar el contenedor con volumen conocido. Si la cantidad indicada no es la correcta, hacer girar el tornillo de ajuste (art.31) en sentido anti-horario para SERIES 900 reducir la cantidad indicada y en sentido horario para aumentarla.
  • Página 5 REPARACION NO USE la contador 900 con los siguientes uidos: • Decolorante, Acido Clorhídrico, Tinta, Sulfúrico Acido, Los medidores que deben ser reparados, deberán ser y Agua salada llevados a un centro de asistencia o deberán ser devueltos Si tiene duda sobre la compatibilidad de un uido a la fábrica para su mantenimiento.
  • Página 6: Descripción

    LISTA DE PIEZAS MEDIDOR DE SERIE 900 ART. PIEZA ART. PIEZA DESCRIPCIÓN ..DESCRIPCIÓN ..900F8051 800F3845 Engranaje motriz - U.S. Galón 900F8102 Caja de medidor-Nickel Plated Opt. 800F3846 Engranaje motriz - Litre Opt.
  • Página 7 Procédure de calibration 1. Pour une calibration plus précise, utiliser le compteur dans la configuration réelle. Remplir un récipient avec une quantité connue du liquide à mesurer. SERIES 900 Si la quantité indiquée est incorrecte, tournez la vis de calibration (pièce 31) dans le sens anti-horloger afin de la Compteur réduire.
  • Página 8 Séries 900 ne sont PAS compatibles avec les uides AVANT UNE INTERVENTION, SUIVEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS SUIVANTES: suivants: Les compteurs doivent être rincés trois fois et accompagnés •Acétone, Benzène, Eau de Javel, Acide Chlorhydrique, d’une note indiquant les produits chimiques qui ont été Encre, et Toluène pompés au travers de l’unité.
  • Página 9 900 LISTE DES PIÉCES DÉTACHÉES RÉF. PIÉCE RÉF. PIÉCE DESCRIPTION QTÉ. . É 900F8051 Corps de compteur 800F3845 Engrenage secondaire - U.S. Gallon 900F8102 Corps de compteur - Nickelé Opt. 800F3846 Engrenage secondaire - Litre Opt. 900F8101 Corps de compteur - PTFE Opt.
  • Página 10 Für dieses Kalibrierverfahren ist ein Eichbehälter bzw. ein Behälter mit bekanntem Volumeninhalt erforderlich. Es wird ein Behältervolumen von mindestens 19 Liter oder mehr empfohlen. SERIES 900 Kalibrierverfahren MESSGERÄTE 1. Behälter bis auf ein bekanntes Volumen auffüllen. 2. Ist die angegebene Menge falsch, die Kalibrierschraube (Tiel 31) entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn drehen, um die Gebrauchsanweisung und Gebrauchsanweisung und...
  • Página 11 Die Serie 900 sind mit folgenden Flüssigkeiten NICHT VOR SERVICEARBEITEN FOLGENDE ANWEISUNG EINHALTEN: kompatibel: Messinstrumente müssen dreimal ausgespült werden und •Bleichmittel, hydrochloridhaltige Säure, Tinte, mit einer Notiz versehen werden, auf der die Chemikalien Schwefelsauer Säure, und Salzwasser notiert sind, die durch die Einheit gepumpt wurden. Wenn Zweifel über die Kompatibilität mit einer speziellen Messinstrumente, an denen diese Angaben nicht Flüssigkeit bestehen, wenden Sie sich an den Hersteller der...
  • Página 12 900 SERIES MEßGERÄTE EINZELTEIL LISTE TIEL EINZELTEIL TIEL EINZELTEIL NUMMER BESCREIBUNG ..NUMMER BESCREIBUNG ..800F3845 Abtriebszahnrad - U.S. Gallone ß ä r ä h 800F3846 Abtriebszahnrad - Liter Opt. 900F8102 Meßgerätgehäuse-Nickelbeschichtet Opt.

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