Marking a Single Blood Glucose Test
Marking a Single Blood Glucose Test So It Is Not Sent to Your
Paradigm Model 512, 712, or Higher Insulin Pump
If you want to take a single blood glucose measurement and not
have that result sent to your Paradigm Model 512, 712, or higher
insulin pump, you can mark it as a control solution test.
1. Insert a Test Strip into the monitor.
2. A blinking blood drop tells you the monitor is ready for the
next step.
3. Press one of the arrow buttons before applying blood to the
test strip.
4. "Ctl" will appear on the display indicating that the result is a
control solution test. After you apply blood or control solu-
tion to the test strip, the result will not be sent to your pump.
You may want to mark a result as a control test if:
• You are using control solution on a test strip to test your
• You lend your monitor to someone else and you do not
want their result to appear on your pump.
• You do not want to generate an RF signal, such as if you
have been asked to turn off electronic devices on an air-