screw marked "LINE." Connect the negative (−) power source wire to the terminal block
screw marked "WHITE".
the green screw in the fixture mount.
AC Models.
To reduce shock hazards during maintenance POLARITY MUST BE OB-
SERVED when connecting AC units to the power source.
The 120 and 240Vac Strobe Units are designed to operate on both 50 and 60
Hz electrical power. Special modifications are NOT required for the two dif-
ferent AC line frequencies.
screw marked "LINE." Connect the common (neutral) power source wire to the terminal
block screw marked "WHITE".
the screw in the fixture mount.
Replace the terminal block in the fixture mount and secure with the previ-
ously loosened mounting screws.
Ensure that the gaskets are clear of the threads.
To prevent galling and ease future maintenance, ensure the threaded joint on
the cover is clean and lubricated with a corrosion-inhibiting grease such as petrolatum
or soap-thickened mineral oils. Thread the cover clockwise into the fixture mount and
secure with the locking setscrew.
To prevent receiving an electrical shock, disconnect the fixture from the sup-
ply circuit and wait at least 5 minutes before opening.
High voltages are present inside the light assembly after disconnecting
Connect the positive (+) power source wire to the terminal block
If required by local building codes, connect the earth ground wire to
Connect the phase (hot) power source wire to the terminal block
If required by local building codes, connect the earth ground wire to