1 . Press the DEEP SKY button (Keypad #3)
2 . Use the up and down SCROLL buttons (Keypad #6 or #9, not the up and down directional buttons) to scroll through the list of categories
that contains the object you want to see and press ENTER You have the choice of Named Objects, NGC catalog, Caldwell catalog, and
Messier catalog
3 . For Named Objects, use the up and down SCROLL buttons to select the object you want to see and press ENTER The scope will slew to
the object
4 . If you selected the NGC, Caldwell, or Messier catalogs, you will now enter the catalog number using the number keypad and press ENTER
to slew to your target
The hand control will only display objects that are above your horizon. Object that are below the horizon are filtered out of the lists so you do not waste your time
trying to search for objects where the scope would point downward at the ground. You can change this operation and allow pointing below the horizon by changing the
settings in the Slew Limit and Filter Limit menus covered later in the manual.
Once the desired object is displayed on the hand control screen, you can also press the OBJECT INFO key This will give you useful
information about the selected object such as magnitude, constellation, and fascinating facts about many of the brighter and more popular
objects in the database
Object information can be obtained without having to do a star alignment After the telescope is powered on, pressing any of the catalog
keys allows you to scroll through object lists or enter catalog numbers and view the information about the object as described above
If you are not sure what objects to look for, the LCM includes a sky tour feature which will display a list of the night's highlights of the brightest
and most interesting objects above your horizon
1 . Press the SKY TOUR button (Keypad #5) to open the menu
2 . Use the up and down SCROLL buttons to select the object you want to see and press ENTER The scope will slew to the object
The LCM has four direction buttons in the center of the hand control which controls the telescope motion in altitude (up and down) and
azimuth (left and right) The telescope can be controlled at nine different speed rates