Structure of the menu pages
When the system is switched on the main page is displayed. Various combinations of keys (see Sect. 4.1 Access to
menus) allow access to the machine menus. The icon relative to the current menu appears at the top of the display.
The following always appear on the main page:
Status: operating status (e.g. standby, go, Fault)
Pressure: value in [bar] or [psi] depending on the set unit of measure
Power: value in [kW] of the power absorbed by the device
Fault indications
Warning indications
Specific icons
The error conditions are indicated in Table 9. The other displays are indicated in Table 5.
Identifying code
The other menu pages vary with the associated functions and are described later by type of indication or setting. . In
every page of the menu, the plant pressure is always displayed at the bottom while the symbols at the top indicate the
current menu.
The pages showing the parameters may display: the numeric values and unit of measurement of the current item, values
of other parameters linked to the setting of the current item see Figure 4.
In all the menu pages, except for those forming part of the user menu, a function is active which automatically restores
the display of the main page 3 minutes after a key was last pressed.
Enabling and disabling the motor
In normal operating conditions, pressing and then releasing both the "+" and "-" keys causes the blocking/release of the
motor (self-holding even after switching off). If an alarm is present, the operation described above resets the alarm. The
motor disabled status is shown by the flashing white LED.
This command can be activated from any menu page except RF.
The inverter makes the system work at constant pressure. This regulation is appreciated if the hydraulic plant
downstream from the system is suitably sized. Plants made with pipes with too small a section introduce load
losses that the equipment cannot compensate; the result is that the pressure is constant on the sensors but
not on the utility
Plants that are excessively deformable can create the onset of oscillations; if this occurs, the problem can be
solved by adjusting the control parameters "GP" and "GI" (see par 5.6.3 - GP: Proportional gain coefficient and
5.6.4 - GI: Integral gain coefficient)
Error or status conditions shown on the main page
Table 5: Status and error messages on the main page
Figure 4: Display of a menu parameter
Motor status manually disabled
Presence of an error preventing operation of the
Writing and reading the factory settings on EEprom
Warning due to lack of supply voltage
Motor running
Motor stopped