2. Ordering Information
The units are available in various configurations:
with either a hose nipple (barb) or luer lock as the inlet connector.
The order numbers for a package of 10 units are listed below:
P20 and Sartolab
Order number
Cellulose acetate
membrane 0.2 μm
Glass fiber prefilter
Filling bell
Hose nipple inlet
Luer Lock inlet
Hose nipple outlet
3. Notes
– The Sartolab P units are constructed so that filtration may only be performed in one
direction. The inlet side is labeled "IN" and has eight vent openings arranged around the
inner circle. The outlet side is labeled "OUT."
– When handling the units, make sure to prevent contamination of the filtrate outlet,
or the mounted filling bell.
– If the filtrate flow rate drops below the required rate (the filter is blocked),
replace the Sartolab P with a new one.
– Sartolab P units are for single use only – do not re-use them.
P20 Plus
Sartolab P20
Sartolab P20 plus
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