PosiTest AT-A
Memory Views (carousel)
When a memory batch (pg. 11) is open, a carousel appears at the
top of the display. Views are represented by dots, the solid dot
indicates the current view.
Swipe horizontally to navigate between views or vertically to move
between batch readings. Alternatively, the directional buttons can
be used for navigation. Six views are available:
Main View
Recording Fracture Analysis
The cohesive and adhesive fracture visual analysis results can
be recorded (available for up to 5 coating layers).
Dolly Face Coated Surface
Layer 2
Layer 1
Fracture analysis is beyond the scope of this quick guide. Refer to
the full instruction guide for a detailed overview of fracture analysis
and recording.
Reading List
Reading Note
Layer 2: 50% Cohesive (C)
Layer 1: 50% Cohesive (B)
Reading Summary
Batch Note