Chapter 3
Image displays in
black and white
Intermittent or
degraded image
Luminaire, Fiber Optic and Camera Cable, Rigid
Headband, Camera, and Video Processor
Caution Unplug the power cord before cleaning.
Caution Never introduce any liquid directly to Camera
Connections or Connector Pins.
Caution Allow camera to dry a minimum of 5 minutes
before use.
Use a slightly dampened cloth to clean exterior surfaces of
Luminaire, Fiber Optic and Camera Cable, Rigid Headband,
Camera, and Video Processor. Use any of these solutions and
ensure that you wring out cloth prior to application.
10% bleach solution
70% isopropyl alcohol solution
Mild soap
Cavicide wipes
Camera Lens
Caution Avoid scratching camera lens.
Wipe the camera lens clean with a cotton swab dampened with
70% isopropyl alcohol solution.
Welch Allyn ProXenon Headlight Camera System
Possible Problem
Loose or worn S-Video
Secure connection or replace cable
cable connection
Worn Video cable
Replace cable