The interior of your android Dongle contains live high voltage components. Never open the
unit, even after removing the network adapter. It is advisable to connect the devices to the
mains after making all connections.
To clean your box or remote control, do not use solvent or detergent. A dry cloth to wipe
the dust is enough. Not open, hitting, wet or disassemble the device. This will void the
warranty. Turn off your device through the operating system. If turned off while formatting
or updating, this could cause serious system error and cause malfunctions. For the proper
functioning of the device, it is essential to a good WiFi connection and enough bandwidth.
Under the obligations to EN 60950, pay attention to the following safety elements. Do not
install your device near other electrical devices. Choose an airy and place anything above
the ventilation grilles. Do not expose the apparatus to dripping water or other liquids. Do
not place the unit on top of another device. Overheating can damage components. During
thunderstorms, disconnect all audio-video of the grid machines can suffer damage not
covered by warranty.
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