Trouble shooting
Trouble shooting.
If a problem with the wheel balancer appears, proceed
in the following order to solve the problem:
1. Rethink the last steps taken.
Did you work according to the manual?
Did the balancer work as described and expected?
2. Check the balancer according to the list in this chap-
3. Call your local sales agent or Accuturn for techni-
cal assistance.
The format of this section is:
1. Possible cause #1
• Possible solution(s)
2. Possible cause #2
• Possible solution(s)
When switched on, nothing lights up.
1. Power supply unit not connected.
• Connect the PSU to the power outlet.
2. No mains current.
• Check the current supply and the power system
3. Unit fuse(s) blown.
• Replace the unit fuse(s).
If the fuse(s) has (have) recently been substituted,
call Accu Service to check the unit.
When switched on, a beep is heard for 1 second.
1. Configuration error.
• Call Accu Service.
When switched on, the unit beeps with a certain
• Note down the sequence.
• Call Accu Service.
Display appears to freeze or lock up.
1. The unit may be in a program, waiting for a specific
• Finish the program currently in use.
• Switch off the unit.
Wait for 20 seconds, switch on the unit.
2. Power to the balancer may have been interrupted.
• Switch off the unit.
Wait for 20 seconds, switch on the unit.
• If this happens frequently, have your power sys-
tem checked. If it is OK, call Accu Service.
Operator's Manual
ACCU 1200