If excessive oil is dumped into the SmartWasher, take the fol-
lowing steps to remedy the situation:
1. Unplug the SmartWasher and lift the sink off the base.
2. Skim excessive oil off the top of the OzzyJuice or place an
absorbent pad on top of the fluid, soak up the oil and dis-
pose of it in accordance with local regulations.
3. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to replace all of the
OzzyJuice in the SmartWasher. Dispose of contaminated
OzzyJuice and OzzyMats according to local regulations.
4. If you replace all of the OzzyJuice, rinse the base of the
SmartWasher to remove all excess oil and dirt.
5. Once unit has been cleaned, replace the sink and add a
new OzzyMat and 25 gallons (five 5-gallon containers) of
new OzzyJuice.
OzzyJuice may become dark in color due to dyes in oils or
greases removed from dirty parts. This will not affect its cleaning
power. If the fluid should develop a strong odor, it may be con-
taminated and you should call ChemFree Technical Support for
assistance in diagnosing the problem.
OzzyJuice will cause the floor to become slippery. Use caution
when walking in or near spilled fluid. To clean up an accidental
spill of new or unused fluid, simply soak up the solution with an
absorbent material, (or wash spillage down the nearest sanitary
sewer). If the spilled OzzyJuice has been used, you must dis-
pose of the spillage in accordance with local regulations.
If left to dry, the fluid will leave a tacky spot on the floor that
when wet will again become slippery.
With "normal usage" you should have to add a five gallon
container of OzzyJuice approximately every 6 to 8 weeks.
"Normal usage" means the equivalent of several users in a
10 hour day in a standard maintenance, repair and opera-
tion facility or several users in a multiple bay garage facility.
Checking the SmartWasher for problems:
1. Check the fluid temperature, If the temperature is above
120°F (49°C) the thermostat is not working properly.
Temperatures above 120°F (49°C) will increase the rate of
2. Examine closely where the sink and base meet. Are there
any gaps? Is the base bowed? Is the sink warped? The
SmartWasher operates as a closed system; any gaps will
provide space for air to enter and condensation to escape.
3. Is the SmartWasher "leaking"? Where is it "leaking" from?
Make sure the nozzle and brush are flowing into the sink. If
the fluid is leaking from the body of the base? The base
will need to be replaced.
ChemFree Technical Support 1-800-521-7182 x2624
If none of the previous apply, this rules out any problem with the
SmartWasher itself. Note the points below and make sure you
and your coworkers are aware that certain practices can cause
you to use excessive amounts of OzzyJuice.
Checking practices:
1. How often, how much and when are you adding fluid? A
full container of fluid should be added immediately when
the add/ low fluid light comes on. The system is designed
to warn users at the point at which fluid should be added.
Please keep in mind that the light will remain on until fluid is
added...i.e., if time passes, the fluid level will continue to
lower, and more fluid will be needed to reach the proper
operating level
2. When did you notice the change in usage? If fluid usage
has been fine for a period of time and usage has just
recently increased, check to see if anything has changed
recently. (New employees, more employees, more parts
being cleaned, longer hours of use, etc.)
3. How many hours a day do you have the pump running?
The more the pump runs, the more evaporation occurs.
Never leave the pump running when the SmartWasher is
not in use.
4. How many operators and how many hours a day are you
using the SmartWasher? This will help you determine if
they have high, normal or low usage. If you have higher
than normal usage, you will have higher fluid usage.
5. Does the OzzyMat clog up and cause the fluid to pool up in
the sink? If the fluid is backing up in the sink and not drain-
ing through the OzzyMat properly, there will be increased
evaporation and the low fluid light may come on premature-
ly because the fluid is in the sink, not in the base.
6. Are operators squeezing the excessive fluid out of the
OzzyMat into the sink after installing a new OzzyMat?
When changing the OzzyMat, you need to make sure to
squeeze the excessive fluid out.
7. When a part is cleaned, do you let it drain for a minute into
the sink or do you carry it off dripping? Carry off is a major
contributor to fluid usage.
8. Do you wet shop rags in the sink? One shop rag can
absorb as much as 8 ounces of fluid.
9. Do users or coworkers fill containers and take them back to
their work area?
10. Are there any soak buckets being used in the shop with
OzzyJuice in them?