remove the protective cover from
the valve�
Place the faceplate against the
finish wall and secure with escutcheons
set the voluMe control valve
to the off position by rotating valve
so that the flat point is at the 12 O'clock
for TsTd model: you will
hear a click sound
for TsTa model: you will
come to a stop�
Install the voluMe control
knob onto the volume control valve
with the marker at the 12 o'clock
position� Then rotate the knob fully
to the right� secure the knob with
set screw�
Carefully slide the TeMPeraTure
control knob onto the temperature
control valve with the locking button
at the 12 o'clock position� secure
the knob with set screw�
TriM inSTallaTion
NOTE: Appearance of componenents depends
on model: TS794, TS930, or TS960 (shown)