reading is out of range, either high or low, respectively.
However, in instances when no temperature is detected or the
temperature does not stabilize, the thermometer will automati-
cally switch to direct measuring mode
Direct Measuring Mode
4.6.1 The ri-thermo
measuring mode to provide fast and accurate temperature measurements.
However, in instances when no temperature is detected or the temperature
does not fast stabilize, the thermometer will automatically switch to direct
measuring mode.
4.6.2 A snail icon
functioning in direct measuring mode.
4.6.3 The Measurement progress bar
4.6.4 A reading is only displayed when the body temperature is stable within a
range of ±0.1 ° C for 10 seconds.
4.6.5 A "long beep" is sounded when measurement is complete and the final
temperature is displayed.
4.6.6 The direct measuring mode auto feature is always functional regardless of
red or blue probe / probe insert.
reading is out of range, either High or Low, respectively.
Oral & Axillary Temperature Taking
4.7.1 The Blue probe must be installed.
4.7.2 Remove the probe. The thermometer will
turns on automatically.
4.7.3 The symbol oral or axillary mode shows on
the display. Never the symbol rectal.
4.7.4 Press the position button on the front Panel.
Now to select either the oral or axillary mode. Ap-
ply a probe cover.
4.7.5 For oral temperatures measuring, the pro-
be tip must insert deep into the sublingual pocket
next to the vertical fold of tissue in middle of ton-
gue, (frenulum linguae), on the one side or the
other side, toward the back of the mouth.
4.7.6 The Patient must be CLOSING the mouth.
4.7.7 Hold the probe Securely on the location until
a temperature value will displayed.
will appear on the display whenever the current
fastPRObe Thermometer normally operates in fast
will be continuously displayed whenever the thermometer is
will appear on the display whenever the current
are running and shows
Heat Pockets