- Unpacking the equipment.
- Position it in its location.
- Attach the equipment to the wall.
- Connect it to the clean and prefiltered compres-
sed air grid.
- Ensure that the main switch (No.2) is in the
"OFF" position.
- Connect the heated hose.
- Connect the equipment to the mains power
- Move the switch to the "ON" position and check
that the resistance activation pilot light does not
come on.
- By means of the buttons on the temperature
controller (No.1) set the working temperature
between 30-40ºC.
- Wait between 3 and 5 minutes, depending on the
environmental conditions to heat the hose
- Start working. Check that the "Ready" pilot light
turns on and off when stops are made with a
cut-off in air consumption.
- Pay special attention to the "Ready" pilot light
and do not work when the "Ready" pilot light is off.
To work with a more even temperature it is recom-
mended to not make stops long (more than 2
minutes) during the work.
The desired temperature value is programmed by
means of the push buttons on the temperature
controller as follows:
- Modify the value of the desired temperature by
means of the push buttons.
To ensure proper programming of the temperature,
this must be higher than the ambient temperature.
The equipment is configured to operate at a
maximum temperature of 70ºC.
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