This ALL-AMERICAN Sterilizer is equipped
with an additional safety device which is the
Overpressure Plug, Part No. 1010. The
purpose of the overpressure plug is to offer
an extra margin of safety whenever the
sterilizer is used. The overpressure plug is
designed to release pressure in the range of
30 to 50 PSI.
Part No. 1010
Overpressure Plug
Top of Plug is rounded
Top Lip
Under side of plug is
Cover top side
Fig. 7
The overpressure plug is made from silicone
and is red in color and is found on the top
surface of the sterilizer cover, located directly
to the rear of the top handle, in front of Part
No. 2050CS Excess Pressure Relief Valve.
See Figures 7 and A (page 2).
For the most efficient results and best
possible performance, it is recommended that
you replace the overpressure plug every 6
months. It should always be replaced
whenever it becomes hard or deformed.
At least every month during period of use, the
opening in the cover where the overpressure
plug fits should be checked to determine that
no foreign material, residue, or buildup of
grease is present, and the opening be cleaned
with hot soapy water (a toothbrush is helpful)
to maintain a clean opening. This
cleaning/inspection is in addition, of course,
to normal daily cleaning performed after
using the unit.
The overpressure plug can be removed for
cleaning using fingers to pull it out of its
opening from the underside of the cover.
Before you re-install the overpressure plug,
check the opening in the cover to be sure that
it is absolutely free of any foreign material or
grease/residue buildup. After cleaning,
reinsert the overpressure plug by pushing the
round top side into the opening from the
underside of the cover. When the over-
pressure plug is correctly in position, the
indented portion will be visible from the
underside of the cover. Be certain to check
after inserting plug that the round top of plug
and top lip are fully thru the opening and that
the top lip is not folded under. See Figure 7.
How Part No. 2050CS
Resilient seal design prevents leakage.
Sealing efficiency increases with
increased pressure up to cracking
pressure. Metal-to-metal seat on low
pressure side supports spring load,
prevents sticking.
When system pressure overcomes spring
force, poppet opens, momentarily
exposing variable orifice between poppet
and body to pass increasing flow with
minimum pressure rise without
Resilient seal automatically establishes
line of contact with spherical seat. Seal
provides dead tight reseal very close to
cracking pressure.
Operating characteristics of the No.
2050CS excess pressure relief valve are:
A. Zero leakage to 95-98% of cracking
B. Increased sealing efficiency as
pressure increases. Resilient "Q" ring
seal is forced against metal seat as
pressure increases up to set cracking
C. Cracking pressure accuracy. Valves
are preset to required cracking
pressure of 26 PSI.