Thermal Imager
1 -In Settings submenu, press "up" and "down" button, highlight
2- Press "select" button, popup Volume submenu.
3- Press "left" and "right" button, change the volume level.
Press "Select" to confirm, "Close" to exit without change.
7.7-Camera Menu
Thermal Imager has photo and video functions. In photo function, the Imager can save thousands of images.
Every image resolution is 1280*960, format is .jpg, and stores infrared data and visible data in an image. In video
function, the Imager has .mp4 video capture for hours, and save infrared data in .mp4 format.
Images and video files are stored in SD Memory Card. Images can easily be read and second analyzed within
Thermal Imager PC software.
7.7.1-Save Image
1- In desktop, press Trigger button, freeze an image.
2- Press "Save" key save image, and show the file name saved, press "Cancel" return desktop without saving