en - Warning and Safety instructions
Read the operating instructions carefully before using this insert.
Keep these operating instructions in a safe place.
Please also read the operating instructions for your washer-
disinfector and pay particular attention to the Warning and Safety
The inserts are only approved for use in the applications stated in
the operating instructions. Applications that go beyond those listed
and use of the inserts with additional components from the Miele
range of accessories are described in the operating instructions of
the accessories or are to be agreed with Miele.
Conversions, modifications and any other use are not permitted.
New load carriers must be cleaned in the washer-disinfector
without a load prior to first use.
Inspect all mobile units, baskets, modules and inserts as described
in the "Maintenance" section of the operating instructions for your
cleaning machine.
For your own safety, wear gloves and, if necessary, a surgical
mask and protective goggles when sorting the instruments and un-
loading the machine. To avoid recontamination, wear clean gloves
when unloading the machine.
Load from back to front and unload from front to back.
The last rinse, as a minimum, must be carried out with DI water.