Device Password ID:
Device Password ID indicates the method or identifies the specific password that the
selected Registrar intends to use.
Selected Registrar:
Selected Registrar indicates if the user has recently activated a Registrar to add an
This attribute is used to indicate the current configuration state. This attribute is
either "Un-configured" or "Configured".
This attribute is the specified WPS version.
AP Setup Locked:
AP Setup Locked indicates if AP has entered a setup locked state.
UUID-E is universally unique identifier (UUID) generated by the Enrollee.
RF Bands:
RF Bands indicate the available RF bands.
Configure WPS profiles:
The user can configure WPS profiles with either PIN method or PBC method.
PIN Method:
Step 1: The Registrar enters the pin code generated by station.
Step 2: Push the "PIN" button.
PBC Method:
Push the "PBC" button within 2 second while the Registrar pushes the button.
Manage WPS profiles:
The received WPS profiles are listed in the lower frame, and the listed WPS profile
attributes are SSID, MAC address, authentication type, and encryption type.