the battery, taking into consideration the following restraints:
a) the application limits specified in this chapter;
b) the length of the power cable (3 m) and the cable of the pho-
tovoltaic panel (3 m);
c) the space available in the vicinity of the automation to be pow-
Also check the following:
d) ensure that the selected surfaces for installation of the two
devices are solid and guarantee a stable fixture.
e) ensure that each device to be installed is in a sheltered loca-
tion and protected against the risk of accidental impact.
f) in particular, for each device ensure the following:
Photovoltaic panel
– ensure that the selected panel installation site guarantees
100% direct exposure to sunlight (full sun) every day of the
– ensure that the selected panel installation site is far from veg-
etation, walls or other situations that may create shade, even
partial, on the sensitive surfaces of the panel.
Caution! – this surface must be exposed to direct sunlight
in all points; partial shade, even if small in size (for exam-
ple caused by a leaf or other object) will significantly re -
duce the power capacity of the panel with respect to the
values specified in graph A in this chapter.
– check the possibility of correctly positioning and inclining the
panel, with reference to the technical instructions in Chapter 5.
To ensure optimal efficiency of the battery and prolonged bat-
tery lifetime, it should be installed in a location – in the vicinity
of the automation to be powered – protected against high
summer temperatures and low winter temperatures.
In fact the battery charge performance depends on the
ambient temperature where the battery is installed: optimal
efficiency is obtained at medium temperatures, while efficiency
is considerably reduced at low temperatures.
On the other hand, battery lifetime is influenced above all by
high summer temperatures, which accelerate part ageing.
Normally the average lifetime is approx. 4-5 years; this also
depends on the intensity of automation use. The ideal situation
is to avoid excessive discharging of the battery due to very fre-
quent and repetitive manoeuvre cycles over periods of time.
• Application limits – Graph A
Graph A indicates the maximum number of admissible manoeu-
vre cycles, with a MOOVO automation powered exclusively by
KSM001, at a specific time of the calendar year and on the basis
of the geographical location of the automation.
Graph A takes into consideration 3 types of gate, and for each of
these displays the curve generated by the maximum number of
manoeuvres possible in a day, in relation to 100% of the daily
hours of sunlight available in one year.
– curve "A" = heavyweight gate (with a duration of 50 seconds
of a single manoeuvre cycle);
– curve "B" = medium weight gate (with a duration of 40 sec-
onds of a single manoeuvre cycle);
– curve "C" = lightweight gate (with a duration of 30 seconds of
a single manoeuvre cycle).
Warning – During the day, if the photovoltaic panel remains in
the shade for a certain period of the day (in particular from 10 am
to 2 pm) the number of operating cycles decreases in proportion
to the hours without panel exposure to sunlight.
2 – English
For countries NORTH of the Equator
Months of year
For countries SOUTH of the Equator
Months of year
For countries on the Equator
Months of year
During normal automation operation the battery indicates the
battery discharged status by means of 1 sequential flash of the
led and a series of acoustic "beeps": this signal may be tempo-
rary or permanent. In both cases, the battery must be recharged
according to one of the following procedures:
A) rapid recharge of battery using power supply unit mod. MBC
(optional accessory);
B) limiting use of the automation until lighting conditions improve
to enable the battery to recharge via the photovoltaic panel. In
both cases, the "battery discharged" warning is cleared when
the system reaches sufficient electrical autonomy to enable
automation operation.