Target Size (Inches) x 27.8
= Range (Yards)
Measured Mils
Target Size (Meters) x 1000
= Range (Meters)
Measured Mils
using the calculator dial (Model 71422 only)
The Calculator Dial located on the left objective
barrel can be used to determine distance quickly
and easily without using the formulas above. The
calculator is composed of a triangular indicator
marked "Angle", a rotating ring and three number
scales. The first two scales are on the rotating
ring; the first scale is the "Angle" measured in
MILS and the second scale is the "Object Size".
The third scale below the rotating ring is the
"Distance" reading. To use the calculator, look
through the binoculars and measure the height
For example:
You range a 6-foot tall man (2 yards) that is
20mils tall and you want to know the distance
to him.
2 (Yards) x 1000
= 100 Yards
of an object using the reticle. Using the same
example above, a man is seen that measures
20mils tall. Using the rotating ring, align the
triangular indicator to the number 2 (20mils) on
the Angle scale. Estimating that the man is 6
feet tall (2 yards), locate the number 2 on the
"Object Size" scale. Each number on the "Object
Size" scale will correspond to a number on the
fixed distance scale. In this example the 2 on the
distance scale is lined up with 100, so the man
measured in the binocular is 100 yards away.