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140G-N_ ; 140G-NS_
LSIG-MM Getting started for 140G-N, 140G-NS
LSIG-MM Getting started
LSIG-MM Erste Schritte
LSIG-MM Guide de démarrage
LSIG-MM Getting started
Installation - Installazione - Instalación
Instalação -
To prevent electrical shock, disconnect from power source before
installing or servicing. Install in suitable enclosure. Keep free from contaminants.
(Follow NFPA70E requirements).
AVVERTENZA: Per prevenire infortuni, togliere tensione prima dell'installazione o
manutenzione. Installare in custodia idonea. Tenere lontano da contaminanti.
(Seguire i requisiti NFPA70E).
Vor Installations- oder Servicearbeiten Stromversorgung zur
Vermeidung von elektrischen Unfällen trennen. Die Geräte müssen in einem
passenden Gehäuse eingebaut und gegen Verschmutzung geschützt werden. (Befolgen
Sie die Anforderungen nach NFPA70E).
Avant le montage et la mise en service, couper l'alimentation
secteur pour éviter toute décharge. Prévoir une mise en coffret ou armoire appropriée.
Protéger le produit contre les environnements agressifs. (Vous devez respecter la
norme NFPA70E).
ADVERTENCIA: Desconéctese de la corriente eléctrica, antes de la instalación o
del servicio, a fin de impedir sacudidas eléctricas. Instálelo en una caja apropiada.
Manténgalo libre de contaminantes. (Cumpla con los requisitos NFPA70E).
ATENÇÃO: Para evitar choques, desconectar da corrente elétrica antes de fazer a
instalação ou a manutenção. Instalar em caixa apropriada. Manter livre de
contaminantes. (Cumpra as exigências da norma NFPA70E).
DIR 1000593R0001 (L6746)
Bul. 140G



Resumen de contenidos para Allen-Bradley LSIG-MM

  • Página 1 Bul. 140G 140G-N_ ; 140G-NS_ LSIG-MM Getting started for 140G-N, 140G-NS LSIG-MM Getting started LSIG-MM Erste Schritte LSIG-MM Guide de démarrage LSIG-MM Getting started Installation - Installazione - Instalación Instalação - 140G-N To prevent electrical shock, disconnect from power source before WARNING: installing or servicing.
  • Página 2 Warning - Attenzione - Achtung - Attention - Atención - Please read all documentation before making changes to the circuit breaker setting. After setting the circuit breaker, verify the circuit breaker is not providing fault indication. For addition information see PUB 140G-IN067A-MU-P .
  • Página 3 Setting Date and Time Settaggio data e ora Einstellung von Datum und Uhrzeit Réglage Date et Heure Configuración Fecha y Hora LSIG-MM 10:22:53 400A U1U2U3I1I2I3In Menu Protections enter Measurements Settings General settings Settings MeasureStoreTime enter Harmonic dist. System System s ettings...
  • Página 4 Setting Frequencies and Neutral Settaggio Frequenza e Neutro Einstellung Frequenzen und Neutralleiter Réglages Fréquences et Neutre Configuraciones Frecuencias y Neutro LSIG-MM Example-Esempio-Beispiel-Exemple-Ejemplo: Three-pole circuit breakers Interruttori tripolari Freq=50Hz Dreipolige Leistungsschalter InN=OFF Disjoncteurs tripolaires Interruptores automáticos tripolares Three-pole circuit breakers with external neutral...
  • Página 5 Trip test Trip test Auslöseprüfung Test de déclenchement Test de disparo 10:22:53 400A U1U2U3I1I2I3In Menu Measures Settings enter Test Devicetest Notes-Nota-Anmerkungen-Nota-Notas: Pass wo rd The default password is 0001 0*** enter La password di default è 0001 Das Standard-Passwort ist 0001 Enterpassword Le mot de passe par défaut est 0001 La contraseña predeterminada es 0001...
  • Página 6 , configurar la velocidad de transmisión (baud rate) y la dirección serie en el menú al efecto módulo COM, hace falta Vaux. Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.