Hints; Hints For Freezing; Hints For Storage Of Frozen Food; Paragem Prolongada - Zanussi ZV 210 R Libro De Instrucciones

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Antes de qualquer interven•‹o no
aparelho, aconselhamos que se desligue a
tomada de corrente.
Limpeza peri—dica
Lave as paredes e acess—rios com ‡gua tŽpida e
bicarbonato de soda. Enxague e segue

Paragem prolongada

No caso de se ausentar por um per'odo prolongado,
desligue a tomada de corrente, esvazie, degele e
limpe o aparelho.
Mantenha as portas entre-abertas durante toda a
n‹o utiliza•‹o, para facilitar a circula•‹o do ar no
interior e evitar a forma•‹o de cheiros
Remo•‹o de gelo
O compartimento congelador cobre-se
progressivamente de gelo. Este deve ser eliminado
com um raspador de pl‡stico fornecido com o
aparelho, quando ultrapassar 4 mm.
Para efectuar esta opera•‹o n‹o Ž necess‡rio
desligar o aparelho nem retirar os alimentos do
Recomendamos que fa•a esta opera•‹o quando o
congelador n‹o estiver multo carregado.
Para uma descongela•‹o completa proceda da
seguinte forma:
1. Retire todos os alimentos, envolva-os em varias
folhas de papel de jornal e coloque-os no lugar
mais frio que possuir.
2. Desligue o aparelho ou coloque o term—stato na
posi•‹o ÒOÓ.
3. Deixe a porta do compartimento aberta.
4. Coloque o raspador na parte central inferior,
como se indica na figura e coloque por baixo um
recipiente para a ‡gua de descongela•‹o
5. Acabada a opera•‹o seque as superf'cies
6. Conserve o raspador de pl‡stico para utiliza-lo
7. Ligue o aparelho e ponha o term—stato na
posi•‹o de congela•‹o r‡pida. Depois de duas
horas colo-tue os alimentos no congelador.
Nunca utilize objectos pontiagudos ou met‡licos
para ritirar o gelo.


Hints for freezing

All products to be frozen must be fresh and of
excellent quality.
Each freezing package must be adjusted to the
familyÕs consumption quantity in order to be used
just once.
Small-sized freezing packages allow a more rapid
and uniform freezing.
Do not forget that once frozen foods trave thawed
out, they spoil rapidly.
Low-fat content foods are better conserved in the
freezer than those with higher fat content. Salt
(whenever present) reduces the duration of
satisfactory conservation.
Foods to be frozen must be enclosed in air-tight
sacks or containers especially indicated for this
Close these sacks or containers tightly to
eliminate all air.
Never piace bottles or cans of carbonated
beverages in the freezer. These might explode.
Never introduce hot foods or liquids.
Never fill the freezing sacks or containers with
covers to the brim.
Do not consume certain products (popsicles, etc.)
immediately after removing them from the
freezer,because their extremely low temperature
might cause burns.
Indicate the freezing date on every sack or
container as a means of controlling conservation
Never open the freezer door or introduce new
foods to be frozen whenever a Quick-freezing
phase is already in progress.
The symbols on the drawers show different types of
frozen goods. The numbers indicate storage times in
months for the appropriate types of frozen goods.
Whether the upper or lower value of the indicated
storage time is valid depends on the quality of the
foods and pre-treating before freezing.

Hints for storage of frozen food

Always check the preparation date indicated on
the frozen foods you buy and respect the
expiration time provided by the producer.
Do not open the freezer door too often and leave
it open only for the minimum time necessary.
Unnecessary increases in temperature will
notably reduce the duration of the frozen food
Make sure that all frozen food packages are
intact; otherwise the food may trave spoiled.
If such packages present signs of swelling or
humidity marks, this means that the food has not
been conserved correctly, implying that the
product has lost some of its original quality.
When buying frozen foods, carry them in a
thermally insulated shopping bag whenever
possible. In any case, always purchase frozen
foods at the end of your shopping. Wrap the
frozen foods in newspaper and then put them into
the freezer as soon as you arrive home.
Always check the frozen foods you buy carefully
at the moment of purchase, because even
partiallythawed foods must not be re-frozen but
must be consumed within 24 hours of purchase.


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