1. What kind of Cameras can connect to the NVR?
All D-Link network cameras can connect to the NVR. Please check the D-Link website for the detail
support information and version.
2. How do I connect Network Cameras to the NVR?
If your network supports DHCP:
Connect your network cameras to the network and power it on. (If your network doesn't
support DHCP, network cameras will be setup using a fixed IP address.)
Insert the CD from the NVR package in your PC. Follow the instructions on the Setup Wizard
to setup your NVR.
Once connected to the NVR web page, it will automatically search and add any connected
network cameras. (If your network doesn't support DHCP, manually input the network camera's
IP address in the setup page.)
3. How can I check the disk status?
The disk status LEDs report the condition of the disk drives. These lights will be solid GREEN when
drives are connected but inactive. The lights will blink when the drives are being accessed, formatted
or synchronized. They will be red if the drive is installed but has failed.
4. How can I restore the default administrator's password?
If you forget the password, you can reset the password for "admin" to the default password: Press
and hold the reset button for 10 seconds. The Administrator password will now be blank.