2.3 Remote control
1. Press to play a song or pause while playing a
2. In play mode press to set one equalizer mode.
3. Vol + / Vol –
4. Previous / Volume –: press once to jump
previous song. Press and hold to rewind.
5. Next / Volume +: press once to jump next
song. Press and hold to fast-forward.
6. Keys: use this key to select the number of a
desired track.
7. Pick song: allows you to select the song want
to listen to so direct, for example: if you want to
hear the song No. 11, first press the number 11
then press this button.
8. ENTER: this option works equal like Pick song
9. MODE: select an operating modality, the
options are SD or AUX.
10. Battery compartment (CR2025)
11. Useful to selecting a folder stored in the SD
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