Never allow any slack in the rope. Rope clamps are not
designed to arrest falls. The possibility of severing or breaking
the sheath of the rope with fall factors exceeding 0.5 is high.
To avoid slippage of the rope through the device never try to
twist the device in any direction on a taut rope or load it at an
angle with the rope.
Packing, storage, maintenance and cleaning
Each product is packed with its INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE in a
card box. Proper maintenance and storage are imperative to
ensure correct functioning of the product (as well as all your
equipment) and thus your safety.
Clean the product with a brush under running cold water of
domestic supply. If the stains persist, clean it in warm water
(maximum 30 °C) with ordinary soap. Then rinse thoroughly,
wipe it with a towel and dry naturally in a shaded ventilated
place away from sources of heat.
If needed, lube sparingly the moving parts of a clean device with
silicon based oil.
While it is allowed to use this product within the temperature
range from -40 °C to +60 °C, it is advisable to stock it in a dry
place at room temperature.
Lifetime and service time
Lifetime is set by the date of production and is theoretically
unlimited. Service time starts with the date of first use and
depends on frequency and mode of application, on
environment where it is used (e.g. marine, cave, corrosive
atmosphere), and on mechanical wear and damage. It is
therefore very difficult to determine the expected service time of
a particular device.
Its due retirement is therefore left to user's regular
examinations and competent person's annual inspections.
Guarantee and its limitations
This product is guaranteed for 3 years from purchase against
any faults in materials or manufacture. The guarantee does not
apply in cases of misuse, normal wear, unauthorized
modifications or alterations, improper use, improper
maintenance, accident, negligence, damage, or if the product is
used for a purpose it was not designed for. If you discover a
defect, return the product to the reseller you purchased the
product from or directly to ANTHRON.
ANTHRON is not responsible for the consequences of
direct, indirect, accidental or any other type of damage
resulting from the use of its products.