Electrical Characteristics; Recommended Mounting Heights; Electrical Connection - Bobrick Trim Serie Instrucciones De Instalación

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  • ESPAÑOL, página 4
model B-7120 White Painted steel cover and B-7128 stainless steel cover, 115V AC, 15 Amp, 1725 Watts, 50/60 Hz, Single Phase, cULus listed.
model B-7120 White Painted steel cover and B-7128 stainless steel cover, 208–240V AC, 6.8-7.8 Amp, 1400-1900 Watts, 50/60 Hz, Single
Phase; cULus listed, VDE and CCC approved, and CE marked.
Installation instructions and template provide information that will assist in the installation of the Bobrick B-7120 and B-7128 115V, B-7120 and B-7128
208-240V. Retain Installation Instruction Sheet for important maintenance instructions and warranty information.
Distance from floor to bottom mounting screw holes of mounting base.
Children's Washrooms, ages 3-4 ..............................................................................................................................................36''
Children's Washrooms, ages 5-8 ..............................................................................................................................................40''
Children's Washrooms, ages 9-12 ............................................................................................................................................44''
Universal Design ......................................................................................................................................................................48''
Bobrick automatic hand dryers should be installed at least 15" (380mm) above any projection or horizontal surface which may interfere with the
operation of the automatic sensor.
1. Start installation of dryer by
removing cover. Remove two
screws, from the bottom of the
1. Hold the Installation Template against the wall in the desired location of
the installed dryer. See recommended mounting heights above.
2. Make sure line on template representing bottom of dryer mounting base
is horizontal and located at the desired height above floor.
3. Mark center of four mounting screw holes and hole for entry of electrical
wiring if electrical supply is concealed in wall and will enter dryer from
back through mounting base.
NOTE: Surface-mounted electrical supply entry is located in the lower right
corner of the mounting base. Surface-mounted supply cable should be
fitted in a conduit.
4. For brick, stone, and concrete walls drill four 0.315" (8mm) holes to suit
wall plugs 0.315" (8mm) x 1-1/4" (45mm) and screws#10 (4.8mm) x 2"
(50mm) long (provided). See template for wall plug and screw
installation details.
5. For plaster or dry wall construction, provide concealed backing to
comply with local building codes and secure with four #10 (M4.8) round-
head sheet-metal screws, or 3/16'' (5mm) toggle bolts (not furnished).
6. Fasten mounting base securely to wall.
THIs dryer Is InTended for connecTIon To fIXed WIrInG.
for ProPer eLecTrIcaL connecTIons, InsTaLLaTIon musT conform To LocaL BuILdInG code (usa), Iee reGuLaTIons (uK)
or LocaL reGuLaTIon (oTHer counTrIes).
Turn eLecTrIcaL PoWer suPPLy off Before maKInG eLecTrIcaL connecTIons.
dryer musT Be Grounded (earTHed).
unIT musT Be InsTaLLed By a QuaLIfIed LIcensed eLecTrIcIan.
THIs aPPLIance Is noT To Be used for domesTIc PurPoses BuT soLeLy In commercIaL PremIses.
THIs aPPLIance Is noT InTended for use By Persons (IncLudInG cHILdren) WITH reduced PHysIcaL, sensory or menTaL
caPaBILITIes, or LacK of eXPerIence and KnoWLedGe, unLess THey HaVe Been GIVen suPerVIsIon or InsTrucTIon
concernInG use of THe aPPLIance By a Person resPonsIBLe for THeIr safeTy.
cHILdren sHouLd Be suPerVIsed To ensure THaT THey do noT PLay WITH THe aPPLIance
1. Check that the electrical rating shown on the Dryer (rating label) is compatible with the electrical supply.
2. Connect dryer to nearest distribution panel. Use wire as required by local electrical code. In the United States and Canada use #14 wire.
Page 2

Electrical Characteristics

Recommended Mounting Heights

Removal of Cover
Installation of Mounting Base

Electrical Connection

Form No. 712-69 Multi Language (Revised 8/09)
2. Rotate bottom of cover away
from mounting base and then lift
Ø 5/16" 8mm
x 4
WarnInG: Turn eLecTrIcaL PoWer suPPLy off Before maKInG
eLecTrIcaL connecTIons.
dryer musT Be Grounded (earTHed).
© 2009 Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc.
13-25/32" 350mm
9-1/4" 235mm
Ø7/8" 22mm
Hole for between wall wiring
Ø7/8" 22mm
Hole for between wall wiring
Flange cutout for
surface mounting


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Este manual también es adecuado para:

Trim b-7120Trim b-7128

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