Temperature Compensation - RSC TRIRED BUS Guia De Inicio Rapido

Triple detector de infrarrojos pasivo para exterior
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Modalidad 7 - AND de 3 haces
El detector activa la alarma si todos los 3 haces detectan la
alarma dentro de un segundo. El orden en el cual se detectan las
alarmas es libre y no está sujeto a ninguna condición.
Modalidad 1, 2, 4 - AND de 3 haces con prioridad
El detector activa la alarma si todos los 3 haces detectan la
alarma dentro de un segundo, pero el haz prioritario la detecta
alarmas es libre y no está sujeto a ninguna condición.
6 - Contador de impulsos
El detector está equipado de tres contadores de impulsos
independientes, uno para cada haz. Estos se pueden programar
para 1 a 4 impulsos de alarma en los menús desplegables IR1
(haz 1), IR2 (haz 2) y IR3 (haz 3). Si el contador está programado
para un 1 impulso, la detección de una alarma es suficiente para
validar la condición de alarma. En cambio, si está programado
para 2 impulsos, se deben detectar 2 alarmas para validar la
condición de alarma etcétera.
Ejemplo: Contador del haz 1 programado para 2 impulsos
El orden en el cual los 2 otros haces detectan las
Ver. 1.0 - 03/2015 -
Trired Bus
To run the coverage test, open the casing and press the test button (one beep), then close the casing
again. The test has a duration of 30 minutes after which the detector automatically quits the test mode. In
the test mode the detector is active and both the LED and the transmission of the alarm signal to the
control panel are enabled. Each time one of the beams detects an alarm, the corresponding LED is lit for
50 milliseconds, during which the detector verifies the correspondence with the programmed detection
criteria (detection logic and pulse count). One beep is heard and the alarm signal is sent to the input
module or the control panel.
Warning: The LED are only enabled in the test mode. The coverage test can be activated and interrupted
from a distance through the Tecnoalarm software.
The detector is composed of three independent infrared elements, each of which is equipped with a red
LED. The LED provide three types of signaling: permanently lit signals masking, blinking with 1-second
intervals signals failure and one 50-millisecond flash signals the interruption of the corresponding beam.
Warning: The LED are only enabled in the test mode.


The detector is equipped with a temperature probe which measures the surrounding temperature. If
necessary, the detector automatically adjusts the sensitivity. The automatic temperature compensation
has the scope to guarantee full efficiency of the infrared detector, even in critical operating conditions.
Trired Bus - Ver. 1.0 - 03/2015


Tabla de contenido

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