test mode which are not meant to be connected to the
- After 7 seconds have elapsed the procedure will be
terminated and the corresponding LED will blink red-
green-red-green in sequence to indicate that the transmitter
address has been saved.
- The module will resume normal operation and the output
relay of the channel for which the address has been
memorised will immediately start to switch ON and OFF
following the commands emitted by the transmitter in the
"test" mode.
Using the "test" function it is advisable to check the
strength of the signal received once the transmitter
has been placed in the desired position. To avoid wrong
indications due to overlapping signals, do not test more
than one transmitter at a time.
- After verifying that the signal strength is satisfactory,
you may proceed with the final mechanical and electrical
The device can indicate which channels an address code has
or has not been associated with.
See paragraph on "Procedure for associating thermostats
with a chronostat".
If the system uses fewer than two thermostats and
therefore does not use all of the outputs, it is important to
keep the unused channel "inactive" by not assigning it an
address code. The device will ignore the inactive channel,
since it is not connected to any valve: this configuration is
very important to ensure the correct control of the auxiliary
output for the circulation pump.
Configuring a channel as "inactive"
The relay module has all channels in an "inactive" status
when it leaves the factory; however, if an active channel
needs to be configured as "inactive", the address assigned to
it can be "erased" by means of the following procedure:
- Press the button corresponding to the desired channel
(Figure 2) and keep it pressed down.
- The corresponding LED will rapidly blink yellow and after a
few seconds it will blink red-green-red-green in sequence.
- Release the button: the channel is now inactive.
When a channel is "inactive" it will be ignored for all functions
and its respective relay will always remain off, irrespective of
the signals received. Making a channel inactive will also have
the effect of cancelling any association with a chronostat.
Resetting to factory status
If you want to erase all of the memorised addresses,
associations with chronostats, NO/NC configurations and
periodic activation of outputs, thus restoring the module
to its original factory status, you can carry out a reset
procedure as follows:
- Disconnect the power supply.
- Press the association button "A" (Figure 2) and keep it
pressed down.
- Switch the power back on.
- Continue pressing the association button "A" (about 3 sec)
until the output LEDs start blinking like they normally do
when the device is switched on.
- Release button "A"; the module will restart and the
memory of each channel is erased.
Auxiliary output for pump or boiler
The relay of the auxiliary output is activated each time
at least one actuator output is switched on. If the "share
auxiliary output" option is enabled (see paragraph on
"DIP-switch options") the relay will be controlled according
to the status of the channels of all modules connected in
cascade to one another. If the option is disabled, the relay
will be activated based solely on the status of the outputs
of the module the relay itself belongs to. It is possible to set
a delay in the on/off switching of the auxiliary output. The