How to Remove Discoloration
1. To lighten discolored metal inside the urn, fill the urn to the
40-, 60-, or 100-cup level (depending on the model).
2. Assemble with pump tube and coffee basket. Place
2 tablespoons (30 ml) plus 1 teaspoon (5 ml) cream of tartar
into the basket.
3. Place lid onto coffee urn. Plug in and let go through the
percolate cycle. When percolating has stopped, let the solution
sit for an additional 15 minutes.
4. Unplug, drain the urn, and let it cool.
Coffee urn does not
Power plug is not
brew or heat.
firmly plugged into
power outlet.
Mineral deposits
have built up inside
the urn.
Coffee not strong
Insufficient quantity
of ground coffee.
Condensation forms
Steam created
inside coffee level
during the brewing
Heat well has buildup.
Insert power plug
into power outlet.
Clean the urn
following the steps
in "How to Remove
Mineral Deposits
and Buildup."
Increase quantity of
ground coffee.
Condensation does
not indicate a defective
unit. The steam/
condensation will
eventually evaporate.
Clean heat well with
a scouring pad.