5. Analisis y Resolución de Problemas
5.1 Problemas, Causas y Soluciones
Las Sierras , fueran diseñadas para que necesiten un mínimo de manutención . Sin embargo
pueden ocurrir algunas irregularidades en su funcionamiento , debido al desgaste natural
causado por su uso .
Caso haya algún problema con su maquina , verifique la Tabla – 02 abajo , donde están
indicadas algunas soluciones recomendadas
2 – Installa on and Pre Opera on
2.1 Installa on
2.1.1 Placing the equipment
The equipment must be installed over a firm and level working surface. See below drawing
the recommended area
2.1.2 Electric Installa on
The equipment has been designed to operate 220 Volts. When you receive the equipment
check the voltage indicated on the cord label
The power plug has 3 pins the middle pin is the ground . All the 3 pins must be properly
Make sure the network voltage is the same as indicated on the Cord label
2.2 Pre Opera on
Before to use the equipment all the parts which could get into contact with the product
to be processed shall be washed with water and neutral soap ( see item 3.3 Cleaning and
Sani zing ).
Make sire the equipment is firm on its working posi on.