N . BOOST LEVEL— A djusts the level of signal boost.
O . BOOST— P ress in to engage the Boost circuit; useful for solos.
Boost can also be engaged from the footswitch.
P .
PREAMP CLIP LED— I lluminates when clipping (overdriving)
occurs anywhere in the preamp signal path before the Effects
Loop. For the cleanest sound, set Gain {Q} and other front panel
controls so that the Preamp Clip LED barely flickers at your
instrument's peak output levels. Note that preamp clipping
is not harmful to your amplifier (unlike power amp clipping),
therefore reduce Gain only if you hear unwanted preamp distor-
Q . GAIN— A djusts the signal level of the preamplifier. Your equal-
ization, tone and effect levels all contribute to the preamp sig-
nal level and should be adjusted before Gain. NOTE: Gain is the
primary control for setting the output level of Effects Send {FF}.
R .
AURAL ENHANCER™— A trademark SWR® feature for 20 years,
the Aural Enhancer brings out the fundamental low notes of
the bass, brightens high-end transients and reduces certain
frequencies that "mask" the fundamentals. The ultimate effect is
a more transparent sound that opens up the sibilant characteris-
tics of all instruments without being harsh.
How the Aural Enhancer works: Think of it as a variable tone
control that changes frequency range AND level according to
where you set the Aural Enhancer control:
As you rotate the control clockwise from the "MIN" position,
you are elevating low, mid, and high frequency levels in ranges
that are different, yet complementary to the Bass and Treble
tone controls. The "2 o'clock" position—a favorite for many
players—brings out both low end fundamentals and crisp highs
while at the same time, adds a little lower midrange helping you
to cut through the band. Then, as you rotate further clockwise,
selected mids will drop off—specifically, a group of frequencies
centered around 200Hz. While apparent, the Aural Enhancer is
gentle compared to the extreme effects you can create with the
basic tone controls.
S .
BASS— A djusts low-frequency signal response ±15dB centered
around 70Hz.
Front Panel
T .
EQUALIZER SELECT— Y ou can switch between two indepen-
dent 3-band equalizers by pressing "1/2" or use both together
as one 6-band equalizer by pressing "1+2" as indicated by the
LEDs. EQ Select can also be engaged from the footswitch (hold 1
second for 1+2).
U .
Select {T} to choose the Equalizer set that you want to use, then
use the corresponding controls to make adjust-
ments. Each EQ control has an inner knob and
outer ring: the inner Level knob adjusts signal
response (±15dB) in the range set by the outer
Frequency ring knob. NOTE: Any EQ control with
Level set to "0" will have no effect on your signal.
TIP: If you need to "cut through" the band, try boosting
response in the 200–400Hz range. If you like a more transparent
or "scooped" sound, try cutting in the 800Hz range.
V .
TREBLE— A djusts high-frequency signal response ±15dB cen-
tered around 3kHz.
W . FOOTSWITCH— P lug in the (included) footswitch with any
length guitar or speaker cable to enable remote selection of the
Bass Intensifier, EQ Select, Effects Loop and Boost as indicated
by the LEDs. Multiple footswitches can be connected together
for multiple access points (stage left and stage right footswitch-
X .
EFFECTS BLEND— C ontrols your effects level, or more precise-
ly, the ratio of direct signal (dry) mixed with effects loop signal
(wet). Set to "DRY" when not using any Effects Return jacks {FF}.
Y .
MASTER VOLUMES— A djusts the output of the power amps
separately (stereo/bi-amp), or as one (mono/bridge), according
to the Normal/Bridge {PP} selector on the rear panel:
• Normal Mode—the center knob is left master and the outer
ring knob is the right master volume.
• Bi-Amp Mode—the center knob is high-frequency level control
and the outer ring knob is the low-frequency level control.
• Bridge Mode—the center knob is the master volume and the
outer ring knob is disabled.
Z .
POWER SWITCH— S witches the unit ON-OFF as indicated by the
LED. To reduce the risk of hearing loss and equipment damage,
please turn both level knobs {Y} down to "Min" before switching
the Power ON!