Annual operations:
1. Check that the electric connection terminals are not loo-
sened, especially the earth connection.
2. Check the condition of the connection cables, they
should not be twisted and the insulation must be intact.
3. Check that safety, and installation control devices are
fully operational.
4. Verify panel and fan motor fastenings.
When necessary:
1. Clean the finned pack of coilwith water, sprayed parellel
to fins a maximum pressure of two bars. Avoid using sol-
vents, harsh/aggressive/acid/abrasive detergents or am-
monia-based products. To increase the degreasing capa-
city it is possible to use a 50% solution of water and
ethyl alcohol.
Closing instructions
1. The user must strictly avoid tampering with the model
components or operate model in conditions that are not
specified in this manual, which may cause serious da-
mage hence invalidate warranty
2. Repair work and maintenance of model fall under the
competence of the installer.
2. Check for possible refrigerant leaks.
3. To clean the internal part of the coil it is necessary to re-
move the top covers and/or the fan shrouds. In particularly
dusty environments maintenance operations must be car-
ried out more frequently.
Spare Parts
Use Original Spare Parts only.
Do not wait until the component is completely worn out, well-
timed replacements can considerably improve performance
and extend the life of model.
The unit is made from copper, aluminium and steel parts.
The only plastic materials used are the protective screw caps,
the terminal boxes and the cable covering for special versions.
3. All recommendations concerning installation are only in-
dicative. The installer must set up installation in accor-
dance the project features and in compliance to the local
regulations governing the installation of refrigeration and
air conditioning equipment.
www modine com