on in the App and always stay connect
between watch and App. All these reminder is
⦁ Sleep Monitor
to vibrate to notify.
Record your sleep from 23:00 pm to 8:00 am.
The detected data only show in the App, not
the watch. Sync and update the data through
manually pulling down the the "Home" page
of App.
⦁ DON'T use over 5V/2A power adapter to
⦁ This device is is an electronic product, not
charge it.
for medical reference, so the detected data is
⦁ Blood pressure monitoring method: Quiet
for reference only.
rest for over 5 minutes before monitoring. Do
not eat, smoke, take medicine and drink
⦁ Monitoring process:
coffee for 2 hours before monitoring.
Take a comfortable, restful sitting position and