11. Light Kit Assembly.
Remove 1 screw from motor plate (on underside of
motor) and partially loosen the other 2 screws.
Align slotted holes in fitter plate with loosened
screws in motor plate, allowing molex connections
from motor housing to come through hole in
middle of fitter plate. Twist fitter plate to lock.
Re-insert screw that was just removed and tighten
motor plate
all 3 screws securely.
fitter plate
Remove 1 screw from outer edge of fitter plate and
partially loosen the other 3 screws.
Connect WHITE wire from motor housing to
WHITE wire from light kit fitter. Connect BLACK (or
BLUE) wire from motor housing to BLACK wire
light kit fitter
from light kit fitter. Be sure molex connections
snap together securely.
Carefully arrange wiring within light kit fitter. Align
slotted holes at top of light kit fitter with loosened
screws in fitter plate. Twist light kit fitter to lock.
Re-insert screw that was previously removed;
threaded washer
secure all 4 screws with a Phillips screwdriver.
finial plate
Remove finial, finial plate and threaded washer
from threaded rod at bottom of light kit fitter.
Install 3 candelabra base 40 watt max. bulbs
IMPORTANT: When replacing bulbs, please allow
bulbs, glass shade and small decorative band to
cool down before touching.
Turn small decorative band so flat side is UP and
place gently on glass shade. Hold small decorative
band and glass shade together with both hands
light kit fitter
and raise toward light kit fitter. [CAUTION: To avoid
personal injury or possible damage to fan parts,
care must taken to ensure that the small
decorative band and glass shade do NOT become
[flat side up]
separated during this process.] Align threaded rod
with hole in middle of glass shade and push up
gently allowing threaded rod to come through
hole. Secure glass shade with threaded washer--be
sure to turn threaded washer so that the nipple will
fit snugly into the hole in the glass as shown in
drawing at right.
NOTE: Do NOT overtighten threaded washer as
glass may crack or break.
threaded washer
finial plate
Re-attach finial plate and secure with finial.
NOTE: Do NOT overtighten finial as glass may
crack or break.
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