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A Bout This H An D B O O K; Product Description; Safety And Protection D E V Ic E S - AL-KO Powerline 4800 BRV Manual De Instrucciones


Idiomas disponibles
  • ES

Idiomas disponibles

  • ESPAÑOL, página 64
A b o u t t h i s h a n d b o o k
R ea d through th ese operating instructions before
starting up th e m achine. This is a prerequisite for
safe and trouble-free w orking. B efore use, fam iliar-
ize you rself with th e control elem ents and th e cor-
rect use of th e m achine.
You should sa ve th ese instructions, and also pass
th em on to any su b sequent users.
O b se rve th e safety and w arning signs on the
m achine.
P i c t o g r a m d e s c r i p t io n
C a u tio n !
Strict following of th ese w arning alerts can
preven t injury to persons an d /o r m aterials.
Special inform ation for better understanding and
T h e c a m e ra sym bol refers to illustrations
C o n t e n t s
A bout this h an d b o o k.................................................................... 22
Product description.......................................................................22
Safety and protection d e v ic e s ................................................ 22
Safety in structions........................................................................ 24
A ssem bly ........................................................................................... 25
Fuelling ............................................................................................... 25
Initial s ta rtu p .................................................................................... 26
Starting electrically (o p tio n a l]..................................................30
M ain te n an ce and c a re ................................................................ 32
S to ra g e ...............................................................................................33
R e p a irs ...............................................................................................33
D isp o sa l.............................................................................................. 33
Faults and re m e d ie s .................................................................... 3 4
W a rra n ty ............................................................................................ 35
E C declaration o f co n fo rm ity ...................................................35
P r o d u c t d e s c r i p t i o n
This docum ent describes various m odels of petrol
law nm ow ers. S o m e m odels are equipped with a grass
catcher an d /o r are suitable for mulching.
P le a s e identify you r particular m odel in th e product
illustrations and descriptions of th e various options.
P r o p e r u s e
This eq u ipm ent is intended for m oving law ns on private
property and should be used on dry grass only.
U se for any o ther purpose is considered im p roper use.
In c o r r e c t u s e
This law n m o w er is not suitable fo r use in public
spaces, parks, sports grounds, farm ing o r forestry
S afety devices m ust not be rem oved or bypassed
D o not use th e eq u ipm ent on dam p grass, or if it is
T h e eq u ipm ent is intended for dom estic use only
S a f e t y a n d p r o t e c t i o n d e v i c e s
C a u tio n - R is k o f in ju ry !
Safety/protectio n devices should not be disabled!
S a f e t y b r a k e h a n d le
T h e law n m o w er is equipped with a safety brake.
R e le a s e th e brake han dle if th ere is an im m ed iate
Law n m o w e r w ithout b lad e coupling:
M o w e r b lad e is stopped
M oto r is stopped
Law n m o w e r with b lad e coupling:
M o w e r b lad e is stopped
M oto r continues running

