IV. Overall size:
Ref.: 3905 & 3925
V. Usage
(warranty validity)
This apparatus is for practice only. For safety reasons, it should never be used as a competition apparatus.
VI. Maintenance:
1 - A regular cleaning of the apparatus allows better viewing of the problems, if any (distortion, breakage or corrosion).
2 - Before use, check wear parts each time for good condition and operation: connecting skirts (3) and black Velcro
tapes (4) of the side mats (2).
3 - Important:
- If a problem is detected or suspected, do not use the equipment as long as it has not been checked by a technician.
- Any damaged or distorted piece should be replaced as soon as possible.
VII. Storage:
Always store the equipment away from humidity and heat.
2.10 m
Ref.: 3357
1.80 m
2.10 m
Ref.: 3347
1.80 m
Ref.: 3907 & 3915
NM232 - Page 3