The following paragraphs describe some other available services that
can be associated to the function keys of your telephone through the
customization of its profile or with prefixes and/or suffixes code.
10.1. How to place a trunk line in not exclusive hold
Press the function key associated to a trunk line: the led next to the
key will flash slowly on all telephones within the group.
To retrieve the line form parking, press the key next to the flashing led
on any telephone within the group.
10.2. How to place a trunk line in parking
To put a call in parking:
- press the PARK function key, if customized, associated to the
line in conversation (only the led of your telephone flashes
- dial the "park" suffix.
To retrive the call from parking:
- press the PARK function key, if customized
- type the "retrieve parked trunk line" prefix and your telephone
10.3. Three way conference
To make a conference during a conversation:
- press the RECALL/HOLD
on hold
- call the second user that you want to include in the
- when he answers, announce the conference and dial the "3-
way conference" code.
key to put the calling/caller
NETfon - Operating instruction