There are some keyholes cutouts for wall fixing on the bottom of the
telephone and a hook on the top of the telephone, in the handset
place, to keep the handset itself in vertical position.
For wall mounting work as follows:
lift the removable support from the bottom part of the
telephone running down in the suitable guides
extract the telephone connecting cable leaving it positioned in
the suitable hole on the removable base
turn round of 180° the removable base and reinsert the
telephone connecting cable in the suitable plug
reinsert the removable base running up in the suitable guides
thread two screws into the wall, as shown in Figure 1-4,
leaving about 5 mm between the screw head and the wall
position the telephone on the screws and slide the phone
down to secure it in place.
Wall mounting
Figure 1-3
NETfon - Operating instruction