Controlling Whirlpool Action
The whirlpool action in your bath is influenced by three factors –
direction of flow, force of water, and force of air. All baths manufac-
tured by Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath are equipped with fully adjustable
jets, which are adjustable for all three factors. Some baths
have additional directionally adjustable jets which can be adjusted for
direction and flow of air only.
Direction: To change the direction of the water flow, swivel the jet
nozzle to the desired angle. The jets can be directed individually
toward any location on your body to provide a hydromassage. The
jets can also be adjusted so that they all point in the same direction
(clockwise or counterclockwise) to circulate the water in a circular
motion around the bath, causing a total whirlpool effect.
Water Force: The high volume, fully adjustable jets can be ad-
justed to control the force of the water coming into the bath. For
robust action, increase the force of the flow by rotating the jet handles
to the left (counterclockwise). For a more gentle effect, rotate the
handles to the right (clockwise). Never run the whirlpool system
with all the jets closed.
Force of Air: Two knobs located on the bath serve as controls for
the air induction system. The intensity of the hydromassage whirl-
pool action is determined by the amount of air inducted into the water.
As the amount of air is increased, the hydromassage action increases.
For maximum air induction, rotate the control knobs fully counter-
clockwise to the largest circles. For fewer air bubbles, decrease the
amount of air induction by rotating the control knob clockwise. When
the knobs are turned to the smallest circles, only water is being circu-
Cleaning the Bath
To clean your bath, simply use a mild, nonabrasive liquid deter-
gent solution. You can protect and restore the gloss to a dulled acrylic
surface by applying Meguiar's #10 Mirror Glaze, a product specifi-
cally designed for use on acrylic finishes. If Meguiar's is not avail-
able, an acrylic polish of equal quality or automotive paste wax is
Never use abrasive household cleaners on any Jacuzzi Whirl-
pool Bath product.
Repairs to the Surface
Minor scratches which do not penetrate the color finish can be
removed by lightly sanding with 600-grit wet/dry sandpaper. Restore
the gloss using Meguiar's Mirror Glaze or automotive paste wax.
Major scratches and gouges which penetrate the acrylic surface
will require refinishing. Ask your Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath dealer for
special instructions.
Purging the Whirlpool System
To remove accumulations of bath residue from the whirlpool sys-
tem, we recommend that you purge it every 3 to 4 months. To do this,
follow this simple procedure. Fill the bath with hot water (not exceed-
ing 140°F). Add to the hot water 4 tablespoons of low foaming disin-
fectant. Turn the air induction completely OFF. Run the bath for 5 to
10 minutes. Drain the bath completely and refill with cold water only.
Run the whirlpool for 5 to 10 minutes, then drain the bath completely.
Bath Additives
Note: Do not use oil or oil-based bath additives.
If you want to use any kind of bath additive, use only a small amount
of low-foaming powder or crystal substance; the whirlpool action in-
tensifies the foaming properties of soaps.
Suction Cover/Strainer Maintenance
Clean the suction cover/strainer of hair and debris when neces-
sary. To do this, remove the center screw and detach the square
cover. Clean the cover by backflushing debris from the holes. Re-
place the suction cover immediately after cleaning. When reinstall-
ing, orient the cover/strainer with the small notch at the bottom. The
gasket must be inserted into the groove of the cover/strainer before
reinstalling onto the suction fitting.
CAUTION: Keep hair a minimum of 6 inches away from the suc-
tion fitting at all times when the whirlpool system is operating.
Hair longer than shoulder length should be secured close to the
head, or a bathing cap should be worn. Do not operate the whirl-
pool system with the suction cover removed! It is a safety de-
vice and must always be in place on the suction fitting to mini-
mize the potential hazard of hair and body entrapment.