• To avoid breakdown, the specified maintenance, inspection
and overhaul measures should be carried out regularly by
trained service or qualified personnel;
• Deviations from standard operation (higher power input,
abnormal temperatures, vibrations, noise levels etc. or
warning signals from the control system) indicate that proper
functioning of the unit is impaired;
• In order to avoid faults, which might directly/indirectly cause
serious injury to persons or damage to property , the
responsible maintenance personnel should be promptly
Should the above machinery and equipment be used in non-industrial
areas, further plant safety requirements should be met and additional
protective devices (e.g.: guards to protect children's fingers against injury,
etc.) are to be installed during assembly.
• For further information such as equipment testing after supply
(for damage caused during transportation), long-term storage
and preservation, trial runs, fitting of connections,
commissioning and setting of machinery, installation
instructions etc., contact BRONZONI.
Qualified personnel are those persons who, on account of their training and
experience as well as their knowledge of the relevant standards, regulations,
accident prevention measures and operating conditions, have been
authorized by those responsible for plant safety to carry out any work.
Qualified personnel must be able to recognize and avoid danger (for the
definition of technical personnel, see also IEC 364, CEI 64-8 EN 60204-I).