Rotate the Cap when it's in place for the most discreet fi t
Check your nipple alignment through the open
Pour Hole. Close the Pour Hole using the Stopper
Pour Hole
Attach the Hub to your
clothing using the clip
4.6 Single-side pumping
To pump on one side, you only
need one Short Tube that connects
to one Cup. Remove the unused
Short Tube from the Tube Splitter.
Seal the opening with the Tube
Splitter Stopper to ensure consistent
suction on the one Cup in use.
Tip: Make sure the Tubes are not kinked or pinched fl at
5. Using Elvie Stride
To help you to get the best performance from your pump,
this section will guide you through a pumping session.
5.1 Turning on Elvie Stride
Once fully assembled, press Power to turn the Hub on.
The Intensity Lights will begin to fl ash and will show
the intensity setting that Stimulation mode will start on.
You can adjust the intensity setting before you start
your session.
5.2 Aligning your nipple
We're all diff erent. No two nipples point in the same
direction. Correct nipple alignment in the Breast Shield
is the key to comfortable and effi cient pumping.
Align the Breast Shield with the direction of your
nipples when you are putting it on.
To avoid discomfort, your nipple must be positioned
correctly in the Nipple Tunnel before pumping.
Use the markings on the Breast Shield to help align
your nipple when putting the Cup on
Breast Shield correctly aligned
Breast Shield incorrectly aligned