the HDD. NOTE: Do not remove the HDD when some write operation is in
Using SD Memory Cards
To use an SD memory card, insert the memory card into the SD card slot of
the player.
The player shows an item corresponding to the attached SD memory card in
the «Sources» section of the player menu.
Some SD memory cards may not be recognized by the player or may work
incorrectly; in such a case, use other models of SD memory cards.
NOTE: Do not eject the SD memory card when some write operation is in
Formatting HDD
To format an HDD attached to the player, select the HDD item in "Sources"
section of the player menu, press the "INFO" RC button and choose "Format
Disk" (to format the entire disk) or "Format Partition" (to format an already
existing disk partition only). Then choose the type of file system: if you want
to use the HDD only with the player, "EXT3" is typically a good choice; if you
want to connect the HDD to a Windows PC, "NTFS" is typically a good choice.
The player will format the disk. To format an unformatted HDD, just press the
"ENTER" RC button on the HDD item.
NOTE: To use disks formatted by the player into "EXT2" or "EXT3" file system
on a Windows PC, you may need to install additional software on the PC, such
as "EXT2FSD" (http://www.ext2fsd.com/).
Accessing Network Drives
To connect a network drive using SMB or NFS protocol, go to "Sources" section
of the player menu, press the "POP UP MENU" RC button, and choose "Create
Network Folder", then fill the parameters of the network drive as needed. The
player will show an item corresponding to the configured network drive on the
main screen. To browse the list of network resources accessible via SMB or