Connecting Wi-Drive to a Computer
To add content to Wi-Drive, connect it to a computer using the USB cable that came with the device. See Figure
3.1 below.
Figure 3.1 – Connecting Wi-Drive
to a computer
Loading Content Onto Wi-Drive
When connected to a computer, Wi-Drive behaves like any
standard USB Flash drive, creating a data volume on your PC or
Mac (see Figure 3.2.). This volume allows you to populate Wi-Drive
with digital content that you can later share or access wirelessly via
the Wi-Drive application.
When copying content to Wi-Drive, it is highly recommended that
you create folders on the data volume to help you organize and
quickly locate files each time you update and/or change the content
of Wi-Drive (as opposed to dumping all of your files onto the root
volume or into a single folder). For example, you may want to store
all of your music files in a folder called "My Music", or keep all of
your photos in a separate folder called "My Pictures", and so on.
When you are finished loading content, please safely
Wi-Drive from your computer. This will automatically power the
device off. To turn it back on, press and hold the power button until
Figure 3.2 – Wi-Drive Volume on PC
it turns green.
(Note: While connected to your computer, Wi-Drive does not broadcast a wireless signal. Therefore you cannot
access it from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch device in this state.)
For Windows users, please disconnect Wi-Drive safely by right-clicking the USB icon in the right-hand corner of the taskbar and selecting
'Safely Remove Hardware'. For Mac users, please disconnect Wi-Drive safely by dragging the volume icon to the trash can.
Document No. 480WID16/32-001.A01
Kingston Wi-Drive
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