In this section, selectable measurement data is displayed as a graph.
Select a specific time period and press SEARCH to view the graph from
that period in isolation.
Export the data to an image file (.jpg).
Scroll the mouse wheel over the graph to change the resolution of the
Y-axis (and thus "zoom").
Press Clear Memory to clear the base station's internal memory. Do not
forget to transfer all data to the computer beforehand.
If the graph function does not work: Open the folder where you have
installed EasyWeather and create a text file (editor or WordPad) in this
folder called "reg_graph.bat". Write "regsvr32 easyweather.ocx" into this
file and save. Close the text editor and execute the file "reg_graph.bat" by
double-clicking. A window with the MS-DOS prompt opens. Click on "OK".