Cembre MG3 Manual De Uso Y Mantenimiento página 3

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– Following information applies in member states of the European Union:
– Les informations suivantes sont destinées aux pays membres del'Union Européenne:
– Folgende Hinweise gelten für Mitglieder der Europäischen Union:
– Las siguientes informaciones conciernen a los estados miembros de la Unión Europea:
– Le seguenti informazioni riguardano gli stati membri dell'Unione Europea:
USER INFORMATION in accordance with Directives 2011/65/EU and 2012/19/EU.
The 'Not in the bin' symbol above when shown on equipment or packaging means that the equipment must, at the end of its life, be
disposed of separately from other waste.
The separate waste collection of such equipment is organised and managed by the manufacturer.
Users wishing to dispose of such equipment must contact the manufacturer and follow the prescribed guidelines for its separate col-
lection. Appropriate waste separation, collection, environmentally compatible treatment and disposal is intended to reduce harmful
environmental eff ects and promote the reuse and recycling of materials contained in the equipment. Unlawful disposal of such equip-
ment will be subject to the application of administrative sanctions provided by current legislation.
INFORMATION POUR LES UTILISATEURS aux termes des Directives 2011/65/EU et 2012/19/EU.
Le symbole "poubelle barrée" apposé sur l'appareil ou sur son emballage indique que le produit, à la fi n de sa vie utile, doit être recueilli
séparément des autres déchets.
La collecte sélective du présent appareil en fi n de vie est organisée et gérée par le fabriquant. L'utilisateur qui voudra se défaire du
présent appareil devra par conséquent contacter le fabriquant et suivre le système que celui-ci a adopté pour consentir la collecte sé-
parée de l'appareil en fi n de vie. La collecte sélective adéquate pour l'envoi successif de l'appareil destiné au recyclage, au traitement
et à l'élimination compatible avec l'environnement contribue à éviter les eff ets négatifs possibles sur l'environnement et sur la santé
et favorise la réutilisation ou le recyclage des matériaux dont l'appareil est composé. L'élimination abusive du produit par le détenteur
comporte l'application des sanctions administratives prévues par les lois en vigueur.
INFORMATION FÜR DEN BENUTZER gemäß der Richtlinien 2011/65/EU und 2012/19/EU.
Das durchkreuzte Zeichen des Mülleimers, das auf dem Gerät oder seiner Verpackung angebracht ist, zeigt an, dass das Produkt am
Ende seiner Lebenszeit von der allgemeinen Abfallentsorgung getrennt werden muss. Die getrennte Sammlung des vorliegenden, zu
entsorgenden Gerätes, wird vom Hersteller organisiert und verwaltet. Der Eigentümer, der das Gerät zu entsorgen wünscht, muss sich
daher mit dem Hersteller in Verbindung setzen und die von ihm ausgewählte Methode, für die getrennte Sammlung des zu entsor-
genden Gerätes, befolgen.
Eine angemessene getrennte Sammlung zur Vorbereitung des Altgerätes für Recycling, Aufbereitung und für eine umweltfreundliche
Entsorgung, trägt dazu bei, mögliche negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und auf den Gesundheitszustand zu vermeiden, und be-
günstigt die Wiederverwertung und das Recycling der Materialien des Gerätes. Bei widerrechtlicher Entsorgung des Produktes durch
den Benutzer, werden die vom Gesetz vorgesehene Verwaltungssanktionen angewandt.
INFORME PARA LOS USUARIOS en los términos de las Directivas 2011/65/EU y 2012/19/EU.
El símbolo del contenedor de basura cruzado por un aspa que aparece en el equipo o sobre su embalaje indica que, al fi nal de su
ciclo de vida útil, el producto debe ser eliminado independientemente de otros desechos. La recogida selectiva del presente equipo,
llegado al fi nal de su ciclo de vida, es organizada y manejada por el fabricante. El usuario que desee deshacerse del presente equipo
deberá, por lo tanto, contactar con el fabricante y seguir el sistema adoptado por el mismo para permitir la recogida por separado del
equipo que ha concluido su ciclo de vida. La adecuada recogida selectiva, para el sucesivo envío del equipo dado de baja al reciclaje, al
tratamiento y al saneamiento ambiental compatible, contribuye a evitar posibles efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente y sobre la
salud favoreciendo el reempleo y el reciclaje de los materiales que componen el equipo. La eliminación abusiva del equipo por parte
del propietario implica la aplicación de las sanciones administrativas prevista por la legislación vigente.
INFORMAZIONE AGLI UTENTI ai sensi delle Direttive Europee 2011/65/EU e 2012/19/EU.
Il simbolo del cassonetto barrato riportato sull'apparecchiatura o sulla sua confezione indica che il prodotto, alla fi ne della sua vita
utile, deve essere raccolto separatamente dagli altri rifi uti.
La raccolta diff erenziata della presente apparecchiatura giunta a fi ne vita è organizzata e gestita dal produttore. L'utente che vorrà
disfarsi della presente apparecchiatura dovrà quindi contattare il produttore e seguire il sistema che questo ha adottato per consentire
la raccolta separata dell'apparecchiatura giunta a fi ne vita. L'adeguata raccolta diff erenziata per l'avvio successivo dell'apparecchiatura
dismessa al riciclaggio, al trattamento ed allo smaltimento ambientalmente compatibile contribuisce ad evitare possibili eff etti nega-
tivi sull'ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il reimpiego e/o il riciclo dei materiali di cui è composta l'apparecchiatura. Lo smaltimento
abusivo del prodotto da parte del detentore comporta l'applicazione delle sanzioni amministrative previste.
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• Read this manual carefully before using MG3.
• Do not operate MG3 without the lid in place.
• Keep hands away from moving parts during operation.
• Disconnect MG3 from the power supply prior to maintenance operations.
• Use MG3 on a stable surface.
• As much as possible, avoid the ingress of environmental contamination, eg dust, into MG3.
• Always fi t the protective cover when MG3 is not in use, particularly in a dusty environment.
• Do not insert sharp, hard or pointed objects (e.g. screwdrivers, rulers or knives) into the front aperture of MG3, otherwise the
print head may be irrevocably damaged.
• Ensure all parts of the support templates are undamaged and kept clean and free of print and other residue.
• Ensure the carriage is kept clean and closed when MG3 is not in use.
• Do not attempt to change the composition, height or thickness of the support templates as this may block MG3 or Irrevocably
damage the print head.
• Prior to printing, ensure the appropriate template is being used and the material is located correctly so that it does not
hinder the operation of MG3.
• Handle sheets of media with care and avoid touching the printable surface with the fi ngers.
• Before printing, check the printable surface is free of contamination, eg dirt, dust or grease and if necessary clean using a
soft cloth.
• Keep unused or partially used sheets of media in the original packaging and in a dry, clean place.
• When printing partially used sheets, ensure there are no protruding sprues, burrs along the sheared edges or tags bent up-
wards, which may damage the print head.
• When printing partially used sheets, ensure the Jump function is used correctly to avoid printing non-existent media, contami-
nating the support template and possibly causing irrevocable damage to the print head.
• Use only genuine Cembre media, printer ribbons, spare parts and cleaning kits with MG3.
• We recommend cleaning the print head at each ribbon replacement, using only the genuine Cembre CLEANING KIT.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Modifi cations not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment under
FCC rules.
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