If the instrument detects gas, follow your own organisation's procedures and
operational guidelines.
Gas can be dangerous and care should be taken in its use.
This equipment is designed and manufactured to protect against other hazards
as defined in paragraph 1.2.7 of Annex II of the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC.
Any right of claim relating to product liability or consequential damage to any third
party against GMI is removed if the above warnings are not observed.
Exposure to certain chemicals can result in a loss of sensitivity of the flammable
sensor. Where such environments are known or suspected it is recommended
that more frequent response checks are carried out. The chemical compounds
that can cause loss of sensitivity include Silicones, Lead, Halogens and Sulphur.
Do not use instrument in potentially hazardous atmospheres containing greater
than 21% Oxygen.
The batteries in the rechargeable pack contain considerable energy and care
should be taken in their handling and disposal.
The instrument is designed to handle harsh environments. The instrument is
sealed to IP65 and the sensing elements, sample inlet sealed to IP54. If not
subject to misuse or malicious damage, the instrument will provide many years
of reliable service.
The instrument can contain electrochemical sensors. Under conditions of prolonged
storage these sensors should be removed. The sensor contains potentially
corrosive liquid and care should be taken when handling or disposing of the sensor,
particularly when a leak is suspected.
There are no special precautions to be taken when the instrument is in transit.
The PS500 instrument has a warranty against faulty goods or workmanship of 2
years. Consumable parts are not included in this. These are covered under GMI
standard warranty conditions. For details, please contact GMI.