Video Viewer
About the Video Viewer
The Video Viewer is used for connecting to target devices on KVM s4 switches.
When you connect to a target device using the KVM s4 client software, the
desktop of the device is visible in a separate Video Viewer window. You can see
both the local cursor and the target device cursor. You can select the Toolbar
Align local cursor button to enable a single cursor mode, so that only the target
device cursor is visible.
From the viewer window, you can access all the normal functions of the target
device as if you were sitting in front of it. You can also perform viewer-specific
tasks such as sending macro commands to the target device.
If the target device you are attempting to access is currently being viewed by
another user, you can be presented with session sharing options depending on
how the administrator has configured KVM sessions and depending on your
access rights.
Session sharing options
Session sharing can be configured by Admin and other users with Appliance
Administrator or User Administrator rights. The first user with a KVM session with
a target device is called the primary user. If another (secondary) user attempts to
start a KVM session with the same target device, options for the secondary user
depend on the following two conditions:
The access rights of the two users
Whether an administrator has configured global connection sharing
Automatic Sharing, Exclusive Connections, and Stealth Connections all
are configurable options that require connection sharing to be enabled.
Table 4.1: Session sharing definitions
Secondary users can share a KVM session without first requesting
permission from primary users.
Primary users can designate a KVM session as an exclusive
connection that cannot be shared.
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