This mode should be used to initially find a leak. Upon receiving an alarm (a
rapid increase in signal) the leak can be more precisely located by switching
to NORMAL (ON) mode (Right hand switch position). The beeping rate (in
fresh air) will return to its normal, slower rate. Follow the instructions for leak
detection as described in the next section.
1. Turn unit on by moving the power switch to the "ON" position.
2. The unit will begin to beep at a slow steady rate. Allow the unit to
stabilize for five or six beeps and then begin searching for leaks.
3. MODEL 5750A ONLY: Begin leak checking in the SCAN mode. Switch
to NORMAL (ON) sensitivity if needed as described above.
Leak Detection Techniques
NOTE: On Automotive A/C Systems leak test with the engine not in
1. The air conditioning or refrigeration system should be charged with
sufficient refrigerant to have a gauge pressure of at least 340 kPa
(50 psi) when not in operation. At temperatures below 15° C (59° F),
leaks may not be measurable, since this pressure may not be reached.
2. Take care not to contaminate the detector probe tip if the part being
tested is contaminated. If the part is particularly dirty, or condensate
(moisture) is present it should be wiped off with a dry shop towel or
blown off with shop air. No cleaners or solvents should be used,
since the detector may be sensitive to their ingredients.
3. Visually trace the entire refrigerant system, and look for signs of air
conditioning lubricant leakage, damage, and corrosion on all lines,
hoses, and components. Each questionable area should be carefully
checked with the detector probe, as well as all fittings, hose to line
couplings, refrigerant controls, service ports with caps in place,
brazed or welded areas, and areas around attachment points and
hold-downs on lines and components.
4. Always follow the refrigerant system around in a continuous path so
that no areas of potential leaks are missed. If a leak is found, always
continue to test the remainder of the system.
5. At each area checked, the probe should be moved around the
location, at a rate no more than 25 to 50 mm/second (1-2 in/second),
and no more than 5 mm (1/4 in) from the surface, completely around
the position. Slower and closer movement of the probe greatly
improves the likelihood of finding a leak (see Fig. 2, below). Any
increase in beep rate is indicative of a leak.