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Doosan purchased Bobcat Company from Ingersoll-Rand Company in
2007. Any reference to Ingersoll-Rand Company or use of trademarks,
service marks, logos, or other proprietary identifying marks belonging
to Ingersoll-Rand Company in this manual is historical or nominative
in nature, and is not meant to suggest a current affiliation between
Ingersoll-Rand Company and Doosan Company or the products of
This manual contains
important safety information
and must be made available
to personnel who operate and
maintain this machine
All manuals and user guides at
APRIL 2004
Revised (01-13)



Resumen de contenidos para Ingersoll Rand IR30BV

  • Página 1 All manuals and user guides at OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE IR30BV AND IR30BS Doosan purchased Bobcat Company from Ingersoll-Rand Company in 2007. Any reference to Ingersoll-Rand Company or use of trademarks, service marks, logos, or other proprietary identifying marks belonging...
  • Página 2 All manuals and user guides at PORTABLE POWER PRODUCT WARRANTY Ingersoll-Rand, through its distributor, war rants that each lier of sixty (60) months from ship ment to, or the ac cumu- item of equipment man ufactured by it and de livered here un- lation of 10,000 hours of op eration by the ini tial user.
  • Página 3 United Kingdom Declare that under our sole responsibility for manufacture and supply, the product(s) Pavement Breaker Type IR30BV and IR30BS To which this declaration relates, is (are) in conformity with the provisions of the above directives using the following principal standards EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 4: Declaration De Conformite Avec Les Directives Ec

    Déclarons gue, sous notre propre responsabilité en ce qui concerne la fabrication et la fourniture, les produits suivants: Brise-béton du type IR30BV & IR30BS auxquels cette déclaration est associée, est (sont) conforme(s) aux dispositions des directives ci–dessus, en utilisant les normes principales suivantes: EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 5: Declaracion De Conformidad Con Directivas De La Ce

    Declaramos que, bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad en cuanto a fabricación y suministro, el (los) producto(s) Martillos rompedoresr modelos IR30BV & IR30BS Al gue (a los) gue esta declaración se refi ere, es (son) en conformidad con las estipulaciones de las directivas arriba citadas utilizando los principales estándares siguientes:...
  • Página 6: Conformidade Com A Directiva De Ruído 2000/14/Ec

    United Kingdom Declaramos sob nossa, inteira responsabilidade gue, como fabricantes e fornecedores,do(s) produto(s) Quebrar de Pavimento IR30BV & IR30BS a que esta declaração se refere, ele(s) está (estão) em conformidade com o disposto nas directivas acima men- cionadas usando as normas principais que se seguem: EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 7 United Kingdom Dichiariamo che, sotto nostra esclusiva responsabilità per la costruzione e fornitura, i(l) prodotti(o) Martelli Demolitori Pneumatici modellis IR30BV & IR30BS Ai guali la presente dichiarazione si riferisce, sono (è) conforme alle disposizioni delle direttive di cui sopra secondo le seguenti normative principali EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 8 Ingersoll – Rand Company Limited erklärt hiermit, dass das Produkt bzw. die Produkte Aufbruchhämmer – Modelle IR30BV & IR30BS für deren Herstellung und Lieferung sie die alleinige Verantwortung übernimmt und auf das bzw. die sich diese Erklärung bezieht, den Bestimmungen der oben aufgeführten Richtlinien entsprechen und zwar unter Anwen- dung der folgenden wesentlichen Normen EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 9 United Kingdom verklaren dat, onder onze uitsluitende verantwoordelijkheid voor fabricage en levering, de onderstaande product(en) Bestratingsbreekhamer modellen IR30BV & IR30BS waarop deze verklaring van toepassing is, conform is (zijn) met de voorzieningen van bovenstaande richtlijnen onder de onderstaande voornaamste normen EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 10 Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 United Kingdom försäkrar att, helt under vårt ansvar för tillverkning och leverans, produkten (produkterna) Tryckluftspett med beteckning IR30BV & IR30BS vilken (vilka) denna försäkran avser, är i överensstämmelse med bestämmelserna i ovanstående direktiv med användning av följande huvudsakliga standarder EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 11 Wigan WN2 4EZ United Kingdom wakuutamme että yksinomaisen valmistus – ja toimitusvastuumme alaisena tuote/tuotteet Kadun peitteen särkemistyökalu IR30BV & IR30BS joita tämä vakuutus koskee on (ovat) yhdenmukaisia yllä mainittujen direktiivien määräysten kanssa, jotka käyt- tävät seuraavia pääasiallisia direktivejä EN292, BSEN28662–5 Annettu Mocksvillessa 1.
  • Página 12 Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 United Kingdom erklærer i henhold til vort eneansvar for fremstilling og levering af produkterne Paving Breaker Type IR30BV & IR30BS hvorom denne erklæring drejer sig, at disse er i overensstemmelse med.ovenstående direktivers bestemmeiser vedr. brugen af følgende hovedstandarder EN292, BSEN28662–5...
  • Página 13 Mocksville, North Carolina 27028 United Kingdom erklærer at vi står ansvarlige for at produksjon og levering av produktet(–ene) Broleggingsbrytermodellene IR30BV & IR30BS som denne erklæringen gjelder, er i samsvar med bestemmelsene i ovennevnte direktiver ved anvendelse av følgende standarder: EN292, BSEN28662–5 Utstedt i Mocksville 1–1–2002...
  • Página 14 1–1–2002 Ric Lunsford Harry Seddon <0023 + 32 7+,1 2 + $ (3, 23<%2< 2000/14/EE H – Ingersoll - Rand Company Limited 2000/14/EE IR30BV 30 kg 109,67 L 110,80 L A V Technology Stockport, H.B. IR30BS 30 kg 109,67 L 110,80 L Ap.
  • Página 15: Placing Tool In Service

    127,&( IR30BV and IR30BS Paving Breakers are designed for the disintegration of low to medium strength materials (e. g. concrete, masonry bituminous as phalt etc). The tool is intended for vertical or inclined down ward break ing. Ingersoll – Rand is not responsible for customer mod ifications of tools for applications on which Ingersoll – Rand was not consulted.
  • Página 16 All manuals and user guides at WARNING LABEL IDENTIFICATION :$51,1* FAILURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS COULD RESULT IN INJURY. WARNING WARNING WARNING Always wear eye protection Always wear hearing Always turn off the air when operating or perfoming protection when operating supply and disconnect the air maintenance on this tool.
  • Página 17: Accessory Installation

    All manuals and user guides at PLACING TOOL IN SERVICE LUBRICATION OPERATION Accessory Installation Protec Engine Oil :$51,1* Always turn off the air supply and disconnect the air Always use an air line lubricator with these tools. We supply hose before installing, re moving or ad justing recommend the following Lubricator–...
  • Página 18 All manuals and user guides at Prenez connaissance des signes sur les machines destinées au marché nord américain,. Ils signalisent tous les risques potentiels, pour votre sécurité. Lisez ces indications entièrement. Tenez compte des aver tisse ments et des instructions suivantes. Si vous ne comprenez pas toutes les indications, imformez en votre responsible.
  • Página 19 All manuals and user guides at 6,*1,),&$7,21 '(6 e7,48(77(6 '¶$9(57,66(0(17 $77(17,21 /( 121 5(63(&7 '(6 $9(57,66(0(176 68,9$176 3(87 &$86(5 '(6 %/(6685(6 $77(17,21 $77(17,21 $77(17,21 &RXSHU WRXMRXUV O¶DOLPHQWDWLRQ G¶DLU 3RUWHU WRXMRXUV GHV OXQHWWHV GH 3RUWHU WRXMRXUV XQH SURWHFWLRQ FRPSULPp HW GpEUDQFKHU OH À H[LEOH SURWHFWLRQ SHQGDQW O¶XWLOLVDWLRQ HW DFRXVWLTXH SHQGDQW O¶XWLOLVDWLRQ G¶DOLPHQWDWLRQ DYDQW G¶LQVWDOOHU Gp...
  • Página 20 All manuals and user guides at 0,6( (1 6(59,&( '( /¶287,/ )21&7,211(0(17 /8%5,),&$7,21 Montage des accessoires $77(17,21 Huile pour moteur Protec Couper toujours l’alimentation d’air comprimé et ¿ débrancher le fl exible d’alimentation avant d’installer, déposer ¿ ¿ ou ajust er tout accessoire sur cet outil, ou d’entreprendre une opération d’entretien quelconque sur l’outil.
  • Página 21 All manuals and user guides at Preste atención a las siguientes señales que llevan las máquinas para los mercados en América del Norte, que nos indican de posibles pe li gros para su seguridad y la de los que le rodean. Léalo detenidamente. Preste atención a las advertencias y siga las instrucciones. Si no lo entiende, por favor, informe a su supervisor.
  • Página 22: Etiquetas De Aviso

  • Página 23 All manuals and user guides at 3$5$ 321(5 /$ +(55$0,(17$ (1 6(59,&,2 /8%5,&$&,Ï1 0$1(-2 Instalción de accesorios :$51,1* Aceite de motor Protec Corte siempre el suministro de aire y desconecte la manguera de sum i nis tro de aire antes de instalar, desmontar o ajustar cual- qui er ac ce so rio de esta herramienta, o antes de realizar cualquier operación de mantenimiento de la misma.
  • Página 24 All manuals and user guides at Procure estes sinais nas máquinas enviadas para os mercados da Améri ca do Norte, que chaman a atenção para riscos potenciais para a sua segurança e a dos outros. Tenha o cuidado de ler e verifi car se com preende totalmente todas as indicações. Respeite os avisos e cumpra as instruções.
  • Página 25 All manuals and user guides at ,'(17,),&$d­2 '$6 (7,48(7$6 '( $'9(57Ç1&,$ $'9(57Ç1&,$ $ 1­2 2%(',Ç1&,$ ¬6 $'9(57Ç1&,$6 6(*8,17(6 32'(5È 5(68/7$5 (0 /(6®(6 3(662$,6 $'9(57Ç1&,$ $'9(57Ç1&,$ $'9(57Ç1&,$ 'HVOLJXH VHPSUH D DOLPHQWDomR GH 8VH VHPSUH SURWHFomR SDUD RV RO 8VH VHPSUH SURWHFomR DXULFXODU DR DU H D PDQJXHLUD GH DOLPHQWDomR KRV DR RSHUDU RX ID]HU PDQXWHQomR RSHUDU HVWD IHUUDPHQWD...
  • Página 26 All manuals and user guides at &2/2&$d­2 '$ )(55$0(17$ (0 6(59,d2 /8%5,),&$d­2 )81&,21$0(172 Instalação de Acessórios $'9(57Ç1&,$ Protec Engine Oil ¿ Desligue sempre a alimentação de ar e a mangueirade al i men tação ¿ ¿ de ar antes de instalar, retirar ou ajustar qualquer ac essório desta fer ra men ta, ou antes de fazer ma nutenção na mesma.
  • Página 27 All manuals and user guides at Fate attenzione a questi segnali sulle macchine spedite nei paesi del Nord America: segnalano potenziali pericoli per la vostra sicurezza e quella del vostro prossimo. Leggeteli attentamente. Prestate ascolto alle avvertenze e seguite le istruzioni. Se avete problemi di com p- ren sione, in for mate il vostro responsabile.
  • Página 28 All manuals and user guides at ,'(17,),&$=,21( '(//( (7,&+(77( ', $99(57(1=$ $99(57(1=$ /$ 0$1&$7$ 266(59$1=$ '(//( 6(*8(17, $99(57(1=( 38Ñ &$86$5( /(6,21, ),6,&+( $99(57(1=$ $99(57(1=$ $99(57(1=$ 'LVLQVHULUH VHUQSUH O¶DOLPHQWD]LRQH ,QGRVVDUH VHPSUH GHJOL RF ,QGRVVDUH VHPSUH GHOOH FXIÀ H SUR DULD H VWDFFDUH LO UHODWLYR WXER SUL FKLDOL SURWHWWLYL TXDQGR VR DGRSHUD WHWWLYH TXDQGR VL DGRSHUD TXHVWR PD GL LQVWDOODUH WRJOLHUH R UHJRODUH...
  • Página 29 All manuals and user guides at 0(66$ ,1 6(59,=,2 '(//¶$775(== /8%5,),&$=,21( 23(5$=,21( Installazione degli accessori Protec Olio per motori $99(57(1=$ ¿ Disinserire sempre l’alimentazione aria e staccare il relativo tubo ¿ dall’attrezzo, prima di installare, togliere o regolare qualsiasi ¿...
  • Página 30 All manuals and user guides at Beachten Sie die Zeichen auf Geräte, die in den nordamerikanischen Markt geliefert wurden. Diese weisen auf potentielle Gefahren hin und dienen zu lhrer und Anderer Sicherheit. Beachten Sie die War nun gen und folgen Sie den Anweisungen. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, setzen Sie sich mit dem Werk in Verbindung.
  • Página 31 All manuals and user guides at $1:(,681*(1 $8) :$516&+,/'(51 $&+781* ',( 1,&+7(,1+$/781* ',(6(5 :$51+,1:(,6( .$11 =8 9(5/(7=81*(1 )h+5(1 $&+781* $&+781* $&+781* 9RU :DUWXQJVDUEHLWHQ RGHU GHP %HLP %HWUHLEHQ RGHU :DUWHQ %HLP %HWUHLEHQ GLHVHV :HUN]HXJ $XVWDVFK YRQ YRQ =XEHK|U LVW GDV GLHVHV :HUN]HXJHV VWHWV $XJHQV VWHWV *HK|UVFKXW] WUDJHQ :HUN]HXJ YRQ GHU 'UXFNOXIWYHU...
  • Página 32 All manuals and user guides at ,1%(75,(%1$+0( '(6 :(5.=(8*(6 6&+0,(581* %(75,(% Anbringen von Zubehör $&+781* Protec Motoröl Vor Montage, Demontage oder Verstellung von Aufsetzteilen bzw. Wartung dieses Werkzeugs die Dru ckluftver s or gung allseitig ab- schalt en und Druckluftschlauch abtrennen. Nichteinhaltung kann zu Ver let zun gen führen.
  • Página 33 All manuals and user guides at Zoek naar de volgende aanwijzingen op de machines, verzonden naar Noord Amerika, welke u wijzen op gevaren voor uw veiligheid en die van anderen. Lees en begrijp deze instructies grondig. Let op de waar s chu win gen en volg de instructies. Vraag uw meerdere wanneer u deze instructies niet begrijpt.
  • Página 34 All manuals and user guides at /$%(/6 0(7 :$$56&+8:,1*6,16758&7,(6 :$$56&+8:,1* 1$/$7(1 '( +,(51$92/*(1'( :$$56&+8:,1*(1 23 7( 92/*(1 .$1 /,&+$0(/,-. /(76(/ 727 *(92/* +(%%(1 :$$56&+8:,1* :$$56&+8:,1* :$$56&+8:,1* 8 PRHW WH DOOHQ WLMGH RRJEHV 0HQ GLHQW WH DOOHQ WLMGH GH OXFKWLQ $OWLMG RRUEHVFKHUPHUV GUDJHQ FKHUPHUV GUDJHQ ZDQQHHU X ODDW DI WH VOXLWHQ DQ GH OXFKWWRHYRHU...
  • Página 35 All manuals and user guides at ,1*(%58,.1(0,1* 9$1 +(7 *(5(('6&+$3 '( 60(5,1* %(',(1,1* Aanbrenging van Toebehoren IPRO-TEC motorlie :$556&+8:,1* Voor Beitelhouder van het Knevel ¿ /(7 :(/ ,167$//$7,( Luchttoevoer en verbindingen 233$66(1 ¿ ¿ ¿ 233$66(1 ¿ /(7 :(/ Wanneer de “brokken”...
  • Página 36 All manuals and user guides at Observera följande varningsmärken på maskiner som levereras till den nordamerikanska marknaden, vilka indikerar risker som kan utogöra hot mot din och andras säkerhet om de ignoreras. Läs dem noga och se till att du förstår dem. Iaktta varningarna och följ in- sturk tion er na.
  • Página 37 All manuals and user guides at ,'(17,),(5,1* $9 9$51,1*6(7,.(77(5 9$51,1* 81'(5/c7(/6( $77 ,$.77$*$ )g/-$1'( 9$51,1*$5 .$1 0(')g5$ 3(56216.$'$ WARNING WARNING WARNING Always wear eye protection Always wear hearing Always turn off the air when operating or perfoming protection when operating supply and disconnect the air maintenance on this tool.
  • Página 38 All manuals and user guides at 7$ 9(5.7<*(7 , '5,)7 60g5-1,1* $19b1'1,1* Installation av tillbehör 9$51,1* ProTec Engine Oil ¿ För mejselhållare av spärrhaktyp ,167$//$7,21 Tryckluftsmatning och anslutningar ¿ 9,.7,*7 9,.7,*7...
  • Página 39 All manuals and user guides at Etsi näitä merkkejä Pohjoi-Amerikkaan toimitetuista koneista. Merk kien tarkoitus on kiinnittää huomio varoihin, jotka kohdistuvat sin u un tai muihin ihmisiin. Lue varoitukset tarkasti siten, että ymmärrät ne. Noudata kaikkia varoituksia ja ohjeita. Jos et ymmärrä jotain kohtaa, ota yhteys esimieheesi.
  • Página 40 All manuals and user guides at VAROITUSTARROJEN TULKINTAOHJEITA 9$52,786 6(85$$9,(1 9$52,7867(1 /$,0,1/<g0,1(1 6$$77$$ -2+7$$ 9$00$8780,6((1 9$52,786 9$52,786 9$52,786 .\WNH SDLQHLOPD DLQD SRLV SllOWl .l\Wl DLQD VXRMDODVHMD W\|NDOXD .l\Wl DLQD NXXORVXRMDLPLD W\|NDOXD MD LUURLWD SDLQHLOPDOHWNX HQQHQ NXLQ Nl\WWlHVVlVL WDL KXROWDHVVDVL Nl\WWlHVVlVL DVHQQDW SRLVWDW WDL VllGlW PLWllQ WlPlQ W\|NDOXQ OLVlODLWHWWD WDL HQ...
  • Página 41 All manuals and user guides at 7<g.$/81 .b<77gg12772 92,7(/8 .b<77g 9$52,786 ProTec Engine Oil Kytke aina paineilman tulo pois päältä ja irrota paineilman letku ennen kuin asennat, irrotat tai säädät mitään tämän työkalun lisälait et ta. Tee samat toimenpiteet myös, ennen kuin alat suo rit taa mitään huoltotoimenpiteitä...
  • Página 42 All manuals and user guides at Kig efter disse skilt på maskiner, der sendes til markeder I Nor dameri ka. Siltene påpeger potentielle farer for dig og andre. Læs skil- tene påpeger potentielle farer for dig og andre. Læs skiltene grundigt, så du forstar oplysningerne. Ret dig efter advarslerne, og følg in struck erne.
  • Página 43 All manuals and user guides at $'9$56(/605.$7(5 $'9$56(/ 0$1*/(1'( ,$*77$*(/6( $) ',66( $'9$56/(5 .$1 5(68/7(5( , 3(56216.$'( $'9$56(/ $'9$56(/ $'9$56(/ 'HU VNDO DOWLG OXNNHV IRU OXIWWLOI¡UVOHQ 'HU VNDO DOWLG EUXJHV EHVN\WWHOVHV 'HU VNDO DOWLG EUXJHV K¡UHY UQ RJ OXIWVODQJHQ VNDO DIPRQWHUHV I¡U EULOOHU XQGHU EHWMHQLQJ HOOHU YHGOLJH XQGHU EHWMHQLQJ DI GHWWH Y UNW¡M LQVWDOODWLRQ DIPRQWHULQJ HOOHU MXVW...
  • Página 44 All manuals and user guides at ,%58*7$*1,1* $) 95.7‘-(7 60‘5,1* %(7-(1,1* Montering af indsats $'9$56(/ ProTec Engine Oil Der skal altid lukkes for lufttilførslen, og lufttilførselsslangen skal afmonteres før installation, afmontering eller justering af tilbehør til dette værktøj, eller før der udføres vedlige hold els esarbe jde på...
  • Página 45 All manuals and user guides at Se etter disse merkene som angir potensielle farer for personlig sik ker het, på maskiner levert til det nordamerikanske markedet. Les nøye ginneom instruksjonene. Ta hensyn til advarsler og følg in struk sjonene. Ta kontakt med din over ordnede hvis du ikke forstär instruksjonene.
  • Página 46 All manuals and user guides at 9$56(/6<0%2/(5 $'9$56(/ $/925/,*( 3(56216.$'(5 .$1 23367c +9,6 ,..( )‘/*(1'( $'9$56/(5 %/,5 7$77 7,/ )‘/*( $'9$56(/ $'9$56(/ $'9$56(/ 6WHQJ DOOWLG DY OXIWWLOI¡UVHOHQ RJ NR %UXN DOOWLG YHUQHEULOOHU XQGHU %UXN DOOWLG K¡UVHOYHUQ XQGHU DUEHLG EOH IUD VODQJHQ IRU OXIWWLOI¡UVHOHQ I¡U DUEHLG PHG HOOHU YHGOLNHKROG DY PHG GHWWH YHUNW¡\HW LQVWDOOHULQJ IMHUQLQJ HOOHU MXVWHULQJ...
  • Página 47 All manuals and user guides at )‘567(*$1*6%58. $9 9(5.7‘< 60‘5,1* %58. Installasjon av tilbehør ProTec Engine Oil $'9$56(/ Steng alltid av lufttilførselen og koble fra lufttilførselsslangen før in stal ler ing, fjerning eller justering av tilbehør, eller før ved like- hold blir utført på...
  • Página 48 All manuals and user guides at <12...
  • Página 49 All manuals and user guides at  SVL  EDU .SD ...
  • Página 50 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 51: General Instructions

    All manuals and user guides at DISASSEMBLING THE IR30BV AND IR30BS PAVING BREAKER Unscrew the inlet bushing (18), and remove trigger spring GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS (17), trigger ball (16) and throttle pin (15). • Clean the breaker outer surface. Unscrew and remove the oiler plug (39) and sealing washer •...
  • Página 52 All manuals and user guides at ASSEMBLY OF THE IR30BV AND IR30BS PAVING BREAKERS Note: Ensure that the handle bar has the correct ori- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS entation and is aligned to accept the trigger pin (45) • Before assembly of the breaker, clean all parts thoroughly when pressed home.
  • Página 53 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 54 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 55 All manuals and user guides at
  • Página 56 All manuals and user guides at Ingersoll – Rand Company Ingersoll – Rand Company Ltd Portable Power Division P.O. Box 868 Portable Power Division 501 Sandford Avenue Paragon Business Park Mocksville, Chorley New Road, Horwich North Carolina 27028 Bolton BL6 6JN United Kingdom

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