15. Lock-out Function for Children
Lock: In waiting state, press "Stop/Clear" for 3 seconds, there will be a long "beep" denoting
entering into the children-lock state and locked indicator will light. Screen will display current
time or 0:00.
Lock quitting: In locked state, press "Stop/Clear" for 3 seconds, there will be a long "beep"
denoting that the lock is released, and the locked indicator will disapear.
16. Speci cation
1) The buzzer will sound once when turning the knob at the beginning;
2) "Start/+30Sec./Con rm" must be pressed to continue cooking if the door is opened during
3) Once the cooking programme has been set, "Start/+30Sec./Con rm" is not pressed in
5 minutes. The current time will be displayed. The setting will be cancelled.
4) The buzzer sounds once by e cient press, ine cient press will be no responce.
5) The buzzer will sound ve times to remind you when cooking is nished.